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The Illuminati’s Plan for World War III


A witness with a military background and a position of influence within the City of London has come forward and offered Bill Ryan of Project Camelot a view into Illuminati plans for World War III.

Apparently the Illuminati plan to use nuclear and biological weapons to cement their control of the world and reduce the world’s population to a “manageable” size.

The Earth’s spiritual hierarchy and the Galactic Federation have assured us that no nuclear war or any scenario close to it will be allowed to happen. (See 1 for references.)

However, we have seen, from the earthquake in Haiti and the tsunami in South Asia, (2) how much destruction the Illuminati are capable of wreaking on the planet and how, left to their own devices, they woould not hesitate to desolate it to ensure control. It is necessary for us to be aware of the Illuminati’s plans and not to co-operate with them, though, as the witness states, not to engage in violent resistance either.
I began my career as a historian with a paper on concepts of Anglo-Saxondom in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The witness postulates that it is a vision of an “Anglo-Saxon” mission that motivates the present cabal.

However, in my view, racial theories are purely self-serving. An “Anglo-Saxon” mission allows for British/American co-operation. But, if it worked better to craft a “Teutonic” or an “Aryan” vision, the cabal, I believe, would do so.

Towards the end, the witness shares his knowledge of the intervention of benevolent ETs. There are many papers on this site and on its companion (3) that discuss the 2012 scenario which the SHGF are propelling us towards, with the help of their Earth allies.
There is no reason to become afraid based on what you read here. But there is good reason to become informed.
“B” refers to Bill Ryan of Project Camelot and “W” refers to the anonymous City of London witness.
BILL RYAN (B): I want to thank you for coming forward with what was immediately clear to me, once I’d read your written debrief, that you have some highly significant information that needs to be shared. And it’s our job at Project Camelot to assist you in reaching people who are aware enough to understand what you’re saying, why it’s important, and to put it in perspective with other information that they may have.
And to introduce all of this, I wonder if you could say what it is that you’re prepared to say on record about your background, about your history… just in general what you think is okay to share about how it is that you’ve actually been positioned to get a hold of the information that you’re going to be reporting.
WITNESS (W):  Okay. Well, the information I’ve shared with you already, I feel, it’s not Earth-shattering. I feel it’s something that a lot of people will already have grasped with the amount of information that is getting put out on the internet already.
If there’s any uniqueness within the information that I’m providing to you, that I feel should be shared, is that it’s first-hand information and it’s given to you freely for those who wish to use it and to inform themselves. I think that that’s my initial position on this.
For my part, I’ve spent a long time in the military and then held a senior position in the City of London, and within both institutions I became very intimate with events that were being manufactured secretly, covertly, on behalf of a group of people — I can’t say it’s on behalf of a nation or a community because it’s certainly none of that — but it’s certainly something is to do with a group of people whose interests lie within themselves and what they’re doing to coerce a series of events to happen.
Looking back with hindsight now, I can see quite clearly they’re being most successful in doing what they’re doing. And I feel, because of what I know, that time is running out for these people.
So the timeline that I’m going to describe is somehow … and that’s an apt title, really, because a timeline starts somewhere and it ends somewhere and these people are very well aware of it.
We’re coming up to a critical time now, which everybody’s discussing at the moment. I’m very well aware of that. But the information I’ve brought may put some flesh on the bones for other people to consider themselves.
And as for the veracity of it, I can only tell you that what I’m going to tell you is truthful, albeit lots of people may think it’s a perception. I’m quite happy with that, too. But it’s been my experience, and it’s that experience that I’m going to share. …
B:  Right. Now, if you could just add a little bit of detail about the group that you referred to. Does this group have any kind of name that they’re calling themselves? Is this a group that other people reading this would recognize when cross-referencing information?
W:  I’ve had difficulty myself in trying to describe these people. I’ve called them like a “Band of Brothers.” I’ve also called them an “over-government”. There’s also other names I could call them, some of them derogatory, and that would be deserved. [laughs] But I think the best way, the most sensible way to describe these people so that people can understand what they’re like, is they’re like an over-government, because that’s what they’re doing.
B:  Are you talking about British people here, or international people?
W:  The meeting that I will refer to later, it was all British, and some of them are very well known characters who people in the United Kingdom will recognize immediately. Those who are international who might read this might have to do bit of research on them. But they are national figures, some of them.
B:  Are they political figures? Or are they figures in the “noble classes”, so to speak?
W:  Yes, there is a bit of aristocracy there, and some of them come from quite aristocratic backgrounds. There’s one who I identified at that meeting who is a senior politician. Two others were senior figures from the police, and one from the military. Both are known nationally and both are key figures in advising the present government — at this present time.
B:  And inasmuch as there’s a political component to this, does this political component go across both parties?
W:  No, this senior political component belongs to the right-wing party in Britain, the Conservative Party.
B:  Okay. For the benefit of American readers, that would be the equivalent of the Republicans.
W:  Yes.
B: All right. So, it’s an insider group that functions in Britain as many American readers of this transcript would recognize by analogy — it’s like the American secret government. You’re talking about politicians behind the scenes who are still very influential, links with the police, links with the military. Are there also American military links in there?
W:  Yes.
B:  Okay.
W:  One significant military figure, now retired, but active in advising government.
B:  Okay. Are you aware of or did you hear any discussion of any participation by church authorities or the Vatican or any of the religions of the world? Was this mentioned as part of their strategic planning for all of this?
W:  No. Not at all, but I know the Church of England, especially, is complicit in everything that’s going on, totally complicit.
B:  Okay. And you know this because of the close relationship between senior figures in the Church of England and the group that you met with in the City of London?
W:  Absolutely. You don’t need a forensic expert to find that one out. That’s quite open.
B:  Okay. Is this all fundamentally Masonic?
W:  Absolutely. There’s no question about that. Everybody is vetted through that process, through the Masonic process, and then they get to meet one another.
That’s something that people need to understand. There are levels in Masonry. You know, most Masons don’t really know anything at all, and they’re out there doing good work for the most part and they get the benefit of a kind of “club,” as it were. But that goes through various levels. Some people call it by “degrees” or whatever. But it’s a Who’s Who. That is — who can be trusted, who can be brought together, who’s holding power, who’s likely to develop more power.
And these people attract one another and they get together because they all have a single cause. But it’s not exactly like a Masonic cause, you know. It’s something that can be likened to it, but not the same as it.
B:  Could you explain that a little more clearly?
W:  Well, I think the best way to explain this is:  Masonry, is to my knowledge, is just a vehicle for these people. It allows them to come together quietly, in secret, behind closed doors, get to know one another, feel safe and secure knowing confidently that what’s said in these meetings go no further than those meetings. So it’s got that Masonic element to it, but this goes to an entirely different level altogether.
Now, the meeting that I’m talking about, I don’t even consider these people to be a significant level — significant enough for me at the time — but they were discussing things that were already agreed upon and planned and dictated. They were really getting together to share information, to find out how well it was going and what was needed to keep it on track.
B:  So things had already been decided at an even higher level than this. Is that what you’re saying?
W:  That was very clear. From what I heard, they weren’t a decision-making group. They were like an action group. They were people who needed to come together now and then to discuss together what needs to be done, or what is getting done, and what should be getting done. And then they disperse and go back and do what they need to do, as a result of these meetings.
B:  Okay. And you attended one meeting?
W:  Only one.
B:  And in what capacity did you attend this meeting?
W:  By sheer accident! I thought it was a normal three-monthly meeting because I looked at the e-mail list, which had familiar names on it, and I was on it. But by that time, because of the senior position I held within the City, I just thought it was quite normal for me to be earmarked for this kind of meeting.
So when I went to the meeting, it wasn’t the same venue as before. It was a livery company venue, which is quite unusual, but not too unusual to wonder why. I went to this meeting and it was not the meeting that I was expecting. I believe I was invited… it was because of the position I held and because they believed that, like themselves, I was one of them.
B:  So you were included because they already knew you. You were regarded as a safe pair of hands.
W:  Absolutely. Yes. I was a safe pair of hands. I was a do-er. I was one of the people who, at my level within the organization, got things done.
B:  Okay.
W:  And I was regarded as that. Lots had known me for some time, even the most senior figures within them.  I mean, it was first-name terms, that sort of thing. And I’d also been regularly invited to various functions, social functions, and things like that where I became familiar with some of them and some of them became very familiar with me.
So it was easy-going, quite professional, nothing out of the ordinary, although bells started to ring about what they were up to and what they were doing and the kind of decisions that they were making, which by and large, I ignored. It seems unusual, but there was a part of me that wanted to ignore what was going on.
B:  Are you saying that in this particular meeting we’re talking about, the people who attended the meeting were familiar to you, largely, and you’d attended other meetings with them before; but this was a meeting with a difference because it was in a different location and with a different agenda, although the delegates to the meeting were basically the same group? Is that what you’re saying?
W:  No, not exactly. I knew most of the attendees at the meeting, but not all.  There were about 25 or 30 people were at the meeting. And it was looked rather informal, you know, people getting to know one another, re-acquainting themselves as people do. There was nothing unusual about that. It was when the subjects started to come up that my astonishment started to rise at what was being said. …
B: And then describing, which I can only say is the “timeline of events” that they had anticipated to be happening, to be on course, and lots of concerns because it wasn’t. And what was meant to happen on the timeline that hadn’t happened, and what actions were going to be taken for it to happen.
And this is where things started to get quite surreal — because I’d never been in the company of people like this, talking like that.
Now, the group of people who I was most familiar with, the people who do the work within the City, they belong to various well known financial committees; some of them quite diverse committees, but they all belong to the same organization. These are people who go unseen; most people don’t know who they are. I know them. I know them by sight, know them by name. I know them by what they do.
It was the other people who were there at the time that surprised me. Three others in particular. There were more people there who were at their type of level as well who I couldn’t really identify, but three of significance, certainly.
B:  Okay, now when was this meeting? Let’s put a date on it.
W:  Okay. We’re talking 2005. It was after the May general election — that’s when Blair was voted back in again. That meeting definitely took place some time in June of that year.
B:  It is okay to put on record that it was in June?
W:  June 2005 is fine. Yes.
B:  All right. Now I wonder then if you could spell out what it was that was discussed at that meeting. …
W:  The big thing at the time was Iraq. That was on their agenda, but also, surprisingly, there was lots of conversation and talk about Iran. And what surprised me and really raised my eyebrows, was mention, open mention — this was people talking comfortably to one another, not arguing or shouting — but talking comfortably about the Israeli reluctance to strike and provoke Iran into armed action. That was something that really raised the hairs on the back of my neck.
And it seemed as if the Israeli government was tied onto what was going on here and had a role to play which was being dictated outside Israeli borders. A year later, Israel attacked Iranian-backed Hezbollah bases in Lebanon.
And then the second thing that came out that I recall quite clearly was mention of Japanese reluctance to create havoc within the Chinese financial sectors.
I really couldn’t understand why they were talking about that and why that had any importance. What I picked up from this seemed to be the Japanese government, or those in Japan, being coerced or ordered into doing something that would wreck or slow down the Chinese rise to financial power.
It was mentioned that China was growing too quickly and the main beneficiary of that growth was the Chinese military, which was getting modernized, mostly through the money that they were getting from the world market. …
I was on the periphery of this meeting and I could feel the anxiety just rise up inside me because this was stuff that was getting spoken about off the cuff. It wasn’t getting announced to anybody. This was things that they already knew about.
So then there was open talk about the use of biological weapons, where and when they would be used, and the timing. And timing always appears to be crucial.
And then there was more talk centered on how Iran must be engaged militarily in order to provoke the desired military response from China.
There was a clear expectation of goading Iran into some sort of armed conflict with the West, with China coming to the aid of Iran. Through this goading, either China or Iran would use a tactical nuclear weapon of some sort.
And, as I mentioned, these people weren’t making decisions. They were discussing something that had already been planned, so they were simply sharing their information between themselves. And it became clear as these discussions went on that the central issue of this meeting was when the balloon would go up — when all this would happen.
Other talk centered on dealing with finances, resources, protection of assets, and a control of these resources and bringing in outlying assets. And I can go through this chain of events with you now, Bill, if you like.
B:  I’d be really happy to go into as much detail as you feel you can.
W:  Okay. Now, as I previously mentioned, they needed either the Chinese or the Iranians to be guilty of the first use of nuclear weapons in order to justify the next stage.
Now, I’ve already added, and this is anecdotal, so it can’t be confirmed. But my information coming through in this meeting, and from elsewhere, positively indicates that the Iranians do indeed have a tactical nuclear capability right now. They’re not developing it. They’ve got it.
B:  Some say they might have got it from the Russians, maybe. Do you have any idea about that?
W:  I believe it’s from the Chinese.
B:  From the Chinese… okay.
W:  It’s because the Chinese technology has been, for many years, used in their missile systems. They’re getting missile technology also from the Russians as well, but this is mostly ground-to-air missile systems, that sort of thing — defensive weapons. Tactical missile weaponry — that technology is coming via China.
B:  Do you have some expertise in this subject from your own military background?
W: Yes, I do.
B:  Okay, so this means that in this meeting where you were hearing this information, you were able to hear this wearing your military hat, with your military experience, and understand strategically and tactically what it was they were talking about and why.
W:  Oh, absolutely. I could have even stepped in and corrected their terminology because I believe they were getting it wrong, but they were just describing it the best way they could.
B:  Right.
W:  So yes, I do have quite a deep knowledge of those types of weapons, and weapons systems in general. …
Now, the other side of the coin is Iran. Now, Iran is being continuously backed by China and then later by the Russians; and also by other countries too. The military market is quite an open one and in that we can even include the French, who quite independently export their weapons out wherever they can.
B:  Yes.
W:  Even in defiance of conventions in place about the sale of weapons abroad. But this goes a bit beyond that. We’re talking about a country that’s being used quite well by another country throughout the revolutionary period — where they have been seen as an enemy of all the Western states, and also the Gulf states as well. …
China has been the main target since at least the mid 70s — and again, this information it’s through third parties so I can’t give you any direct first-hand evidence of this — but it’s always been China. It was always China that is to be the big one in this timeline.
B:  Mm hm.
W:  It’s China that they’re after right now, and it’s all about how to coerce and create the scenario where this type of — well, it’s going to be war, Bill; there’s going to be a war — how this can be realized and how it can be made credible to everybody here living in the West?
And the way it’s going to be made credible is by a state like Iran being used as a patsy to use a nuclear weapon in order to elicit an exchange.
B:  And the whole justification of this, then, is to provide or to trick China into a war, with what reason?
W:  China will then come to the aid of Iran, very quickly. And what we’re talking about is these “Roads to Jerusalem,” as it were. And it should be no surprise that the Chinese have got their own “Road to Jerusalem,” so to speak, because that’s where the oil is — their lifeline — and that’s where their power could be extended far more than where it is at the moment.
B:  I didn’t understand what you meant there by Jerusalem. Was that a metaphor, talking about Iran?
W:  Yes. It was my metaphor. Although I haven’t mentioned it to you previously, you know, they talk about “the road to Jerusalem,” as it were. People like Benjamin Netanyahu use it quite a lot. Obama has used it. The Chinese president has actually used it, I believe, too. Hu Jintao, his name is. They’ve actually used this metaphor.
B:  I didn’t know that.
W:  Yes, they have. It’s where that road lies. Does it lie through Tehran, going one way? Or does it lie through Tehran again, coming the other way?
B:  Okay, so you’re using it basically as a metaphor for a desired goal, something that’s reached and attained.
W:  That’s right.
B:  Okay. So what you’re saying, then, is that there’s a long-term plan which has being decided quite a while ago to set up the situation, to set up the chessboard, the global chessboard, so that there will be a war with China. This is what you’re saying.
W:  Yes, in a nutshell. You’ve got it. It’s a whole series of events, and a lot of them have been realized. And again I can only emphasize that time seems to be critical.
B:  What has happened, and what is yet to happen, and what is the eventual roll-out plan that they want to happen if everything that they wanted were to occur?
W:  Well, the plan is for the fuse to be set off in the Middle East again, in a way that would make the previous conflicts in the Middle East look like playground scraps.
It will involve the use of nuclear weapons and, again, it’s to create an atmosphere of chaos and extreme fear, not just in the West but throughout the world, and to put in place what I’ve mentioned as unified totalitarian Western governments; and to do this China needs to be taken out, politically and socially, for this to happen.
B:  So what they’re doing here, they’re killing two birds with one stone. They’re using this as a justification to create what many on the internet have called the One World Government, except that’s not including China. You’re talking about the Western nations in lockdown alliance against this new threat.
W:  It’s specifically the Western nations, but I think we’ve also got to include Japan in this too.
B:  And how about Russia? Where does Russia stand?
W:  I believe Russia is a player, but I’ve got no evidence. For some reason or other Russia really doesn’t get a look in here; and it’s just an assumption of mine that that Russian government that’s in place at the moment is hand-in-hand with the controlling players that are here in the West.
B:  Hm. So you’re saying that because in this meeting that you attended, Russia wasn’t mentioned as a major factor.
W:  No, none at all. The only way it was mentioned is that the whole idea is to create a condition of chaos throughout the world. It would mean the later use of biological weapons, widespread food shortages, which will affect vulnerable countries across the globe, followed by mass starvation and disease. …
There was talk about biological agents being used [against China], described as being flu-like and it would spread like wildfire. (4) Now, they didn’t mention it at this meeting, but I know now that it will attack people genetically, not everybody together. How that would happen… I’m not a geneticist, I really don’t know. One can only assume that it’s linked to DNA in some way.
B:  Mm hm.
W:  And the differences that are found in DNA. These differences have been identified and the viruses can be made that could kill a person off and do it quite quickly.
B:  And so the viruses are genetically targeted is what you’re saying?
W:  Yes.
B:  Genetically targeted for racial type, or more specific even than that?
W:  Racial type. I can be quite definite on that. They’re talking about extinction of a whole part of the human race, doing so genetically.
B:  Really? Did they mention that in this meeting, in those terms?
W:  Not exactly. Those are my terms. But this is how it was mentioned, and this is my recall of it and how this came out and how I’ve interpreted it.
B:  Okay.
W:  But that’s what it most definitely alluded to.
B:  Are they talking about getting the Chinese out of the way because they’re an inconvenient major group that’s not playing ball with the global plans? Or are they talking about this as an excuse to thin down the entire world’s population, including that in the Western countries?
W:  Well, it’s a very good question and as far as I can see, it’s a hypothetical one. Again, I can’t give you an answer to that one. From a personal point of view, it definitely appears to be a thinning of the world’s population and it’s getting it down into a controllable size for this government that’s going to come, in order for them to have the control that they wish for. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have it.
It even sickens me to speak about this now, it really does. It sickens me no end that they would go ahead and do this sort of thing; that such things have actually been spoken about. They’re bringing the population down to what they coldly believe to be a “manageable level”.
B:  Can you reference in this meeting that you attended to those levels, or the numbers, or the percentages, or anything tangible that you can remember?
W:  Yes. They’re talking about half.
B:  Wow. That’s a lot of people.
W:  Yes. It is.
B:  Okay.
W:  That’s bringing it back down by half.
B:  So that’s more than the Chinese, then. That answers that question, doesn’t it?
W:  Well, in a nuclear exchange — and I believe there will be a limited nuclear exchange — there will be some sort of ceasefire. That was spoken about; they anticipated a quick ceasefire, but not before millions had already died, principally in the Middle East.
So we’re probably talking about Israel here, the population in Israel being sacrificed. Also places like Syria, Lebanon, possibly Iraq, definitely Iran, you know, the towns and major cities, power plants and so forth, that sort of thing. And then a ceasefire before it goes full-out.
B:  A cease…? Wow. Sorry, I’m interrupting you, I do apologize. A ceasefire before it goes full-out?
W:  Yes, it’s like some sort of game of poker where they already know what hands are going to be dealt. They know what’s going to be dealt. They know that scenario could be brought about and that scenario can be ended again with a ceasefire. So we’ll have the ceasefire, and it’s during this time of the ceasefire that events will start to really take off.
B:  Do you know how?
W:  Yes. This is when biological weapons will be used.
B:  Oh…
W:  This will create the conditions where biological weapons can be used. And here you’ve got to imagine a world, now post-nuclear war, or limited nuclear war, in chaos, financial collapse, totalitarian governments coming into place.
B:  And a lot of damage to infrastructure.
W:  People living in total fear and panic — this is what’s going to happen next. You’ll have a scenario… and this again was talked about, and I can go into some detail about how people will become more controllable with no one coming out in contention about what’s going to happen because their own safety and security has now being placed firmly in the hands of those who are saying they can protect it best.
And it’s in this ensuing chaos of a post-nuclear exchange that these biological weapons will be deployed in such a fashion where there will be no structure, no safety-nets, for anybody to counter this type of biological onslaught.
And it should be mentioned, for those who are not aware, that biological weapons are just as effective as nuclear ones; it just takes a while longer — that’s all.
B:  Yes. Now, the deployment of the biological weapons following the ceasefire, is that something that happens covertly, like all of a sudden people will start getting ill and no one knows where it came from?
Or is this an overt weapon deployment that would be very obvious?
W:  I don’t think it would be overt, because the Chinese people are going to be hit by the flu! So there’ll be a worldwide flu epidemic, perhaps, with a country like China — or China, because China is mentioned — being the one that’s going to suffer most.
B:  Okay. Now, if you were a Chinese military commander, what would you do in this situation? Presumably you would retaliate.
W:  Yes, indeed. The type of retaliation the Chinese armed forces could provide is not the same as those that are held in the West. The type of weapons that the West can deploy very, very quickly far outstrips anything that’s within the technological grasp of the Chinese armed forces at the moment — although they’re getting better as time goes on.
But when I’m talking about China, we’re talking about the People’s Liberation Army, the People’s Army, getting together quite quickly, and you’re talking about mass movements of troops somehow into zones where they can engage with their opposite number.
And in this type of exchange that’s going to be nuclear… that’s why I mentioned right at the very beginning… there will be a conventional war to begin with, then it will quickly go to nuclear with either Iran or the Chinese being provoked into first use, is because they won’t be able to be in a position to defend themselves properly against what the West can deliver conventionally without going nuclear first.
B:  Okay. So the Chinese are going to be obliged to go into a preemptive strike.
W:  Yes, all their options will be taken away from them… the retaliatory options will be taken away from them quite quickly and they wouldn’t have time to recover.
B:  Okay, now, what you were describing there was the situation before the ceasefire, when China was going to be provoked into using nuclear weapons.
W:  I think it’s best to look at this in stages. So we’re talking about a conventional war of sorts; that war then eliciting the use of a nuclear weapon either by the Chinese or by the Iranians.
B:  Okay.
W:  Probably more likely by Iran, to stop it going any further. Then we’re talking about an exchange of weapons and then a ceasefire before we have something that’s no longer confined to a geographical area.
B:  What does that look like? Is this global? For instance, are you talking nuclear weapons on American territory, in Europe, and so forth?
W:  No. Global nuclear war wasn’t mentioned.
B:  Okay.
W:  It was just purely geographical, Middle East.
B:  Okay. So actually some people would refer to this as the Armageddon war, the war that’s been prophesied.
W:  Yes. That’s right. For those who are looking down those roads, you know, it certainly highlights a time where this sort of thing is going to occur. But probably not the way they thought, because I can’t emphasize this too much: people in general are going to be placed into such a state of panic and fear that they’re going to wish for a strong government everywhere.
They won’t call them totalitarian governments; they’ll be military governments with the civil government still there but in a redundant mode. The military will call the shots — the same way as a general does in Afghanistan, or previously in Iraq. The general in command takes over the scene. He makes the calls.
So we have to imagine the same sort of thing within a country where you’ve got a military-based civil government, calling the shots, with the so-called elected government almost redundant. The military-based government will provide the security for the people who are living in these countries who have yet to be affected by this type of onslaught.

B:  Okay. What’s the timing for this series of events, as best you know?
W:  As best I know… 18 months. It’s definitely before 2012.
B:  Okay.
W:  Or around 2012, sometime in that year.
B:  Now somebody reading this will ask: Okay, so this is what they were discussing in 2005. How can you know that this plan is still on track, that things haven’t changed radically, that they haven’t abandoned it completely, that there hasn’t been some big U-turn or epiphany here? What makes you so certain that this is still on track?
W:  Because of the events that have taken place since 2005. I think that’s probably the most coherent way to look at it. We’ve already had a so-called financial collapse. It wasn’t a collapse at all. It was a centralization of financial power. That’s happened. It’s certainly happened in the United States. It’s most certainly happened in the United Kingdom. It’s most certainly happened in France and in Germany. So all the key players in the Western world centralized their financial assets.
B:  Was this talked about in the meeting?
W:  Yes! It took up quite a large part of that meeting about how it was going to happen. Bear in mind where the meeting took place — in the City of London. The City is the financial hub of the world, beyond any question. …
Just take on board what I’ve mentioned, and if it does ring any bells with anyone — the veracity of what’s said can then be checked by themselves if they wish to do so.
B:  Yes.
W:  Not everything’s hidden. They can’t possibly hide everything, and then they can put the pieces of the puzzle together themselves and then they’ll find out that it’s quite credible.
B:  Yes. I have to admit, it is very credible, which is very sobering. Right at the start of our conversation, you said that… this is my paraphrase… you said that this was a race against time from their point of view.
W:  There’s lots of things going to be happening within the next few years and it’s all to do with power. Some of it, I don’t fully understand myself, to be honest with you. But from what I do understand, there is quite a lot of power-brokering going on, and it’s principally that those who have been in control of most of society for not just hundreds of years, but for thousands of years, wish that control to continue. And in order to do that, a sequence of events has to be manufactured in order for that to happen. What I’ve just described to you is probably the first part.
So we’re going to head into this war, then after that… and I can’t give you a timescale for when this is going to happen… there will be a geophysical event taking place on Earth which is going to affect everybody. …
Now, by that time we will all have been through a nuclear and biological war. The Earth’s population, if this happens, will be drastically reduced. When this geophysical event is going to take place, then those remaining will probably be halved again. And who survives that is going to determine who takes the world and its surviving population into the next era.
So we are talking about a post-cataclysmic-event era. Who’s going to be in charge? Who’s going to be in control? So it’s all about that. And that’s why they’re so desperate for these things to happen within a set timeframe. Otherwise they’ll lose out. …
And we can all look back through history. Every war has achieved an aim. Besides the suffering, the human suffering that goes on, it’s always achieved an aim. And the aim is always on the side of the victor.
So, we’re looking at this totalitarian regime, which I believe is already totalitarian anyway. I mean, we do not have a democracy at all. Nobody’s got a say. This has already been decided over and above anybody.

We don’t matter, as it were. We really don’t matter. They matter, and their power matters, and that’s the only thing that’s being thought about it. And I believe if you tapped into the mindset of someone who operates in that type of way, you’d understand what they’re going to do and why they’re doing it and why they want to control the endgame and be in power at the end of it, intact, because this geophysical event is going to be survivable.
B:  Do you have any indications when this is? This implies, from what you’re saying, that they’re kind of expecting something to happen in 2012. Is this a 2012 event?
W:  No, this isn’t really centered around 21st December, 2012. I don’t know what’s going to happen on 21st December, 2012. …
B:  Do you think that they know when this is happening? Or do you think they think it’s just happening “sometime”?
W:  Yes. I think they’ve got a good idea of when it’s going to happen. I don’t know when that is. However, I’ve got this very strong feeling that it’s going to happen in my lifetime, say within 20 years. You could probably bring that back even further — between now and ten years; between now and five years.
B:  Hm.
W:  You know, I really don’t know. I wish I did know. It’s something that I’d love to know, but we’ve now entered into that period where this geophysical event is about to take place, when we consider the length of time that’s passed since the last one which happened about 11,500 years ago, and it happens round about 11,500 years, cyclically. It’s now due to happen again.
B:  Yes.
W:  To what degree it’s going to affect the world, one can only imagine, and I’m sure there’s contingency plans in place right now for that event to happen because I believe that is widely known within these circles. They understand it’s going to happen. They have a certainty of knowledge that it’s going to happen. They may have a timeframe, and it appears likely that they have. Again, it’s one of these things — it would be inconceivable if they didn’t know. I mean, the best brains in the world will be working for them on this. You know? And they know all about it, and personally, I don’t.
B:  Was this talked about in your meeting at all?
W:  No, it wasn’t openly spoken about. Let me summarize what was discussed at the meeting:
Iran will be attacked, possibly within 18 months. China will come to the aid of Iran, to protect its own interests. Nuclear weapons will be used either by Iran or China, with Israel provoking the first use. Much of the Middle East will be laid to waste. Millions will die within a very short period of time. And for some reason this is here, and I can’t tell you why: China will move forcibly into parts of Russia to extend ceasefire lines. Thereafter, biological weapons will be deployed against China. China will “catch a cold”.
And my own understanding is that there’s some sort of malevolent ET alliance at work for 50 years by the UK and US and other Western powers, and this includes Japan.

And, again, when we talk about a malevolent ET alliance that’s in the context of black projects, and this is an exchange of technologies that’s been going on for some considerable time. So there is an involvement there, and that involvement I can’t fully explain myself.
And I also understand that there are more humanitarian and altruistic ET entities working against this timeline and are somehow maintaining a precarious balance without taking any direct intervention themselves. And again, I can’t fully explain that but it’s a certain intuitive feeling that this is working and there’s other aspects of my experience that’s led me to make that statement — but that’s another story.
So what we’re talking about is the Western powers seeking a ‘perfect war’ — doing so throughout the 20th century right up till the present day, because this timeline goes way back. So we’re talking decades or hundreds of years of time where this timeline has been in use.

And also I think it’s quite important to associate the timeline with its other reference which I’ve heard several times now: it’s called THE ANGLO-SAXON MISSION. I feel that’s important to add because that may ring some bells with some people as I don’t think it’s been mentioned before.
B:  I’ve heard that phrase before. I don’t want to digress here, but the flag which I’ve got against that — and actually which I’m really starting to understand and it’s as chilling as it gets, from what you’re saying — that the reason why it’s called The Anglo-Saxon Mission is because basically the plan is to wipe out the Chinese so that after the cataclysm and when things are rebuilt, it will be the Anglo-Saxons who are in a position to rebuild and inherit the new Earth, with no one else around. Is that right?
W:  Whether that’s right I really don’t know, but I would agree with you. Through the 20th century at least, and even before into the 19th and 18th centuries, the history of this world has been predominantly run from the West and from the Northern region on the planet. Others have tried but failed.
And it’s safe to say that World War One and World War Two were manufactured wars. I’m quite sure of that. And they were used as stepping-stones to get to where they are now. Any historian will tell you that if that didn’t happen, this wouldn’t have happened. We wouldn’t have had the United Nations; we wouldn’t have had the United States of America becoming a superpower in such a short period of time. They became a superpower within four years of war. And they ended up with nuclear weapons.
People, I feel, have got to bring this into their own personal agendas. The West becoming the predominant force in the world is there. It’s beyond question.

B:  Retrospectively looking back on it, you can see a sort of long-term strategy that extends over a number of generations even though one couldn’t see the wood for the trees at the time.
W:  That’s the nature of people — really. You know, we just live our own lives with those of our families and those close to us and do the best we can.  It’s not very often that we stick our heads above the parapet and have a good look around to see what’s really happening. We’re not very good at doing that, I’m afraid.
I’m a good example. I’ve been involved in so many things, I’ve just got my head down and just got on with what I was doing, ignoring what was going on, possibly subconsciously denying what was happening until I really had to say something about it.
B:  Yes. Just on a personal note, it must be quite hard living with this personal experience that you’ve had of being party to these conversations and knowing that this isn’t just some fantasy because you heard these people talking about this, laughing about it.
W:  Well, it was quite informal. I mean, they were very comfortable talking about this.
How can I describe the people who I’m talking about better? The people who I’m talking about are people who exude power. They elicit fear.  They demand obedience and by God do they get it! And by the way they talk they’re dictating to the so-called elected governments that we’ve got in Parliament or in Washington or in Berlin or in Paris. These people exude that kind of power, and beyond that what can I say?
I’m sure other people have come across characters like that in their lives. There’s not a compassionate bone in their body. They do not resonate any spiritual warmth whatsoever. They’re cold, they’re calculating. To use a phrase that’s common here, “butter wouldn’t melt in their mouth”.
B:  A lot of people out there speculate that at some level, maybe not at the level of the people who you were meeting with in the room, but at some level, in this behind-the-scenes government that is orchestrating this entire plan, lies a non-human intelligence.
And one of the arguments for that is that it takes an enormous amount of long-term thinking, strategic cunning, to plan going over many generations, which is the result of an extremely high intelligence just to play this chess game on such an enormous scale. So some people, myself included, suggest that this must be a non-human intelligence that’s behind this.
W:  Yes. And my perception is that this intelligence is incredibly logical, without any empathy, without any love, care, understanding or compassion. They’re cold and calculating and logical beyond any logic that we could muster normally. They go well beyond that — they’re such supremely intelligent people. These are people who can produce answers to really difficult questions without blinking an eye. They are very, very bright people, but bright only in the sense that their logic is extraordinary.
B:  What can ordinary people do? How should they react? How should they think? Do you personally feel that this is inevitable? Do you think we’re all doomed in some way?
W:  No, absolutely not. I’ve often thought about this, Bill, and this of course is a personal view: We will endure. But to endure, from one person to the next, is not to work for them anymore. It’s to stop working for them. It’s not to react violently against them because they’ll win. They would love that to happen, then it gives them an excuse. They breed on fear and violence — the reaction from fear. That would be like bees to honey for them. They would love that to happen.
What’s needed is non-violent reaction: simply just not doing the job for them any more. To give a comparison, Bill. There was a man who history has largely ignored. He was a Frenchman, by the name of Jean Jaurès. It’s always surprised me why this incredible character has never entered the history books. He’s quite well known in France in some circles, but not widely known.
He predicted the First World War happening. He wanted the International Workers’ Movement to not comply with the royal families and aristocracy, and when you read about him you’ll find this out yourself. Just a couple of months before the outbreak, when the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand took place in Serbia, Jaurès was assassinated in a French café. They killed him. He was shot dead, and with him went that movement.
Prior to World War One, he saw the writing on the wall. He saw the aristocracies and the royal families of Europe pitting themselves against one another, in a big battle.  He knew that France and Germany, the United Kingdom were all industrialized nations. He further realized that being industrialized, the next war will be an industrial war where millions of people might be killed.
He formed a movement which some have termed as communist. It was the International Workers’ Movement, and it’s got nothing to do with politics. His idea was for the ordinary person not to do anything, not to go to war, just stay at home and they wouldn’t have the war they wanted.
I personally believe that if non-violence is adopted and people become more awake to what’s happening, then these people very, very quickly lose the power that they’ve got. They feed on power. They feed on fear. So if you take these elements away from them they become powerless.  They need us to do what they’re doing. They can’t do it on their own even though they’ll be damn dangerous in any event, but they can’t do it all on their own.
And that would be my message is just to wake up a bit, see what’s happening about us, put our heads above the parapet and without fearing to do that, without feeling afraid, take a deep breath, have a look around, see what’s happening, and then people will soon realize: Oh yeah. Okay. This is where we’re gonna go. This is where we’re heading and there’s not much I can do about it. But they can!
As I’ve said, it’s not to react violently. And if people are in positions where these people need them, just don’t work for them. Just stop working for them. Take your labor away because they need the troops who are going to do this work. We’re not just talking about people in the military. We’re talking about every civilian member in all the populations right across the globe. Just say: No, because this is not us. This is not what we want to do.
And it’s making that choice. It sounds ridiculously simple. I think the execution of it is that simple and it’s well within our power as human beings, conscious living, breathing, human beings who have a shared compassion for one another to do that. Because if we don’t, they’ll carry on and then they’ll realize their endgame.
B:  Do you think, from your own military experience, that there are enough people in the military who are saying: You know what? I didn’t sign up for this. I’m not going to do this. Or do you think that they’ll buy into all the justifications that are being set up at the moment?
W:  Well, by and large the Western military is not a conscripted army. It’s a professional army, and it prides itself on its professionalism. It prides itself on acting on behalf of the people who elected the government who sent them out to do the job that they’re doing. It’s a very difficult question to answer.
And of course, these troops are superbly trained and they believe, they wholly believe, as I did when I was in the military, that you’re doing the job for all the right reasons.
If it became clear to people who are in such professions — this is not just the military; we’re talking about the emergency services, the police, all those who’ve made their way into the security industry, we’re talking about all these people. If enough voices were heard, then those in the military who have not achieved any significant rank, who have no particular stake in the game, will then wake up themselves just as soon as anybody else.
But it’s got to be borne in mind that the Western powers have professional military services, and it’s a difficult thing to do to make it clear and let these guys and girls know that they’re not fighting the right people.
B:  Sure. Let me ask a different question. Was there reference to “safe or safer places to be”? Physically, I mean.
W:  No. None at all.
B:  Nothing like the southern hemisphere is okay, the northern hemisphere is going to be a problem? Nothing like that?
W:  No, not at that meeting. That wasn’t mentioned at all.
B:  Okay. Another question I’d like to ask you, and it’s a fascinating one to debate among people who are tuned in to this whole area, is a personal one: why do you feel that the benevolent ETs, and I’m sure that they exist, why do you think that they don’t step in to say: Okay, guys, normally we’re hands-off, but this is getting serious here and we’re not going to allow this to happen. Is that possible? Why do they maintain such a distance?
W:  Well, first things first. “These benevolent ETs” — I don’t actually like calling them “ETs”… I believe that these people are us and we are them.
B:  Yes.
W:  They’ve been around for a lot longer than the regime that’s in power at the moment. This present regime, this power-based regime, some have called them reptilians, and I’ve got no problem at all calling them that because that’s exactly what they’re like — totally cold-hearted. They’ve been around much, much longer and they’re the ones who have really made humanity what it is today.
Interventions? I believe they’ve been intervening in the best ways that they can. But we’re talking about very spiritually evolved beings, as the human race is very spiritually evolved — maybe that’s why we come back here so often, back to this planet.

But for these people who are us and we are them, as I mentioned, they don’t see time the same way that we understand time here within the physical world. For them, 11,500 years ago was a blink of an eye. It was nothing, and they already know what the endgame is going to be. They believe, as I believe, that this regime that’s in power at the moment who wish this total dominance over the Earth and everything that’s in it, are not going to win. They’re having their time now and their time is about to end.
B:  On what basis do you feel that? This is very important for people reading this transcript because some people will be feeling numbed and shocked at the information that you’ve presented, thinking: Oh God, we’re really stitched up here.
W:  Yes, I think if you take it from the purely physical point of view. It doesn’t mean that we’ve all got suicidal minds or something like that. We all want our lives; we all cherish our lives; everybody does. We love our lives and we want to experience them fully in all ways, in the best way we possibly can.
We’re currently being prevented from doing so because of this regime, which is based in fear; it’s all about fear. And the greatest fear that we’ve got physically is fear of death, and that’s part of the greatest power that they’ve got over us, is this type of fear, this anxiety that they can raise or lower — which they’re doing all the time.
I can’t think of a moment when this hasn’t happened, when this fear doesn’t come out and then we react to it the way that we do. It seems perfectly natural. But what happens when we don’t, stop feeling this and say: Well, it’s only fear. We can get over this, then that’s tapping into who we really are.
I don’t yet believe there are enough people around at the moment who know who they are. They define themselves by their own physical existence, which is all fear-based, and it’s cyclical, and they just can’t get out of it. And obviously they need to find their way out of it.
I believe, personally, that come this shift — I call it a shift because that’s what I believe is going to happen; the Earth’s crust is going to shift round about 30 degrees, about 1700 to 2000 miles southwards, and it will cause a huge upheaval, effects of which will last for a very long time to come. But the human race isn’t going to die off. We’re still going to be here. It’s who we are at the end of that — is where my mind is. And as for this regime, that’s where their mind is. This is why they’re doing what they’re doing because they want to be in control at the end of it.
Now, if we’re talking about intervention, this is when there will be an intervention by the “benevolent ETs.” The people who are really us, this is when it may happen, but I don’t know. I’ve got a strong intuitive feeling it will, but at the moment the situation that we have right now is not conducive for that type of intervention. Not right now.
They don’t feel it’s the right time. And in any event, physical life is only a very, very small part of who we really are, so how much importance do you place on that, knowing that when you walk from this door into the next door, you’re back home anyway?
So all that’s got to be taken into consideration, and I’m sure there’s people out there who could articulate this far better than I’m articulating this right now. I can only articulate this from a very personal point of view and that’s what I feel intuitively might happen. And I say might knowing full well that I can be certain within my own self that that sort of thing will happen, and it’s just the pain that we have to go through of reaching that point where this regime will no longer have the power that they’ve got.
People [waking] up, finding out what’s going on around them and really having a good look, and raising their conscious levels as they’ve never done before, and then everything will click into place quite quickly.
And when it does, the power that these people have will just fall off them like a towel, you know, just fall right off them, and they’ll be exposed for what they are.
B:  That’s a very inspiring thought. Do you feel personally that… Let me specify a number of alternatives: That the whole war might not happen at all; that the whole thing will just fall apart? Or that all of this will fall apart after the war but before the cataclysm? Or that all of this will fall apart after the cataclysm and that the Meek will inherit the Earth, let’s say?
W:  Yes. This is an extremely good question. Let’s consider two things: the first thing is the sheer determination on the part of this regime, for want of a better word, the sheer determination that they have to have this done. They’re desperate. They’re going full-out for this to happen. They’re creating the scenarios, the in, the out. It’s relentless; it’s non-stop; there’s no breathing space. And when there is breathing space, I mean, when people start to relax about things, something else will pop up to keep us within that grip of fear that they’ve generated.
That is a hugely powerful force that they have, massively powerful, and it should never be underestimated. It’s the sort of thing that drives good, honest people around the bend, putting people early into their graves through stress and anxiety. It’s coming away from that and seeing it for what it is.
If there’s enough people who can raise the levels of awareness and just see what’s happening, then everybody else will bring their heads up. I think it only needs one or two people to put their head up and just say: Yep. All’s clear, and everybody else will come up. Then you’ll see them all around the world, in various countries, just a new feeling, a better feeling than what we’ve had before, and that’s all about individuals empowering themselves by acknowledging who they really are.
And it’s nothing mystical. It’s nothing deeply cultish or anything like that. It’s got very little to do with religion. It’s all about the human spirit and the consciousness which we live through and that we all share and knowing that consciousness is undoubtedly shared by all of us — but is presently suppressed. And we have to get past those suppressive forces in order to realize who we are. When that happens — all else will follow quite naturally and that regime, dangerous as they are — I can’t emphasize this too much: These are damn dangerous people, extremely dangerous — their power will go. …
I realize I’m not saying anything that’s unique at all, but … it’s got to be repeated. People have got to be aware that there’s hope, and things need not be the way they are. They never needed to be the way they are. It can be far, far better. …
It’s this fear that people need to get over. We don’t have to be psychiatrists or psychologists or anything like that — they only deal with the mind. We don’t have to be religious leaders or great spiritual thinkers to be aware of this, because we all have it within us. It’s inherent within us. So it’s a matter of looking into oneself and then becoming comfortable with who you are; then you’ll have a knowing of what’s going on and know that it’s wrong. And everybody else… it will just spread.
Even those who’ve been indoctrinated into this regime of fear will not be able to resist it because to do so is just resisting themselves and who they really are. And it’s a wonderful thing; it’s what this universe is all about and what this whole experience is all about. And it will make these periods, these last so many thousands of years, be just… not even a bad memory… just like: Hm! Well, we’ve learnt from that. Okay?
And we’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again, and that these kind of characters who can produce this kind of fear, you know, don’t ever get a power base here again. …
I think the more aware that people become, the fear factor goes. We don’t live in that fear, so what you previously feared may no longer be a fear for that individual or for that group of people, for that matter. It just won’t be there.
That’s not to say there won’t be any concerns, there won’t be any pain or things like that; of course there will. But on top of all that, the fears that we currently experience, the physical fears of the uncertainties and the unpredictable nature of things, will be gone — they’ll just go. We’ll be left being the people who we are, and I think the human race as a whole is pretty damn wonderful.
B:  Yes. That’s a wonderful thing for people to take with them, something that we’ve often mentioned.
There’s a wonderful movie. It goes back to 1984, a Jeff Bridges movie called Starman. The starman is an alien visitor who’s here for peaceful purposes, trying to understand the human race because he’s got caught up in a strange situation. And he’s trying to get back home.
Towards the end of the movie he says: Would you like to know what I find beautiful about your species? You are at your best when things are at their worst.
I’ve never forgotten that line. It’s got to do the with the fact that what’s marvelous about the human race is the ability to transcend problems and reach deep within themselves to produce the very best out of themselves in the worst situations. And of course, in the military that kind of situation is almost a tradition, that under extraordinary pressure you have people behaving with incredible heroism, and it’s that response to pressure that makes us wonderful.
W:  Yes, it’s more noticeable in the military because that gets reported out. Human consciousness and how we exist through this physical world is extremely resilient. A good point to consider is that we may think sometimes we’ve got a deadlock in ethical thinking about some things, but we don’t really. Things simply differ from one person to the next which I think is another wonderful thing because it can keep conversations going for ever and ever, which is fantastic.  The dialog we have helps us to understand ourselves so much better.
But it transcends deadlock, I think. It goes beyond that. It goes beyond what we know to be ethically right and so forth. It takes it to a different level when these things happen, when our resilience is tested to this extreme. We’re all capable of doing very wonderful things and it looks likely, very likely, that we’re on the cusp of where that resilience is going to be tested to the extreme.
I’m going to emphasize again that we’re playing against very dangerous people, extremely dangerous people, incredibly powerful people. And I know from my own experience that not many people have had first-hand experience with that type of power and how it exudes, and how it affects one’s person… it can make you very, very sick, make you ill to the point of breakdown. Or you join in with them, become subservient and be sycophantic to everything that they want to do, because the people who do work for them and do their bidding — and there’s quite a large number of them — are incredibly obedient and incredibly servile. They’re not what you call “free spirits” at all. You know, they’ve been taken in, taken in by them.
Maybe that’s something that people should begin to be aware of, of the kind of power that they hold at the moment, and I don’t think that’s been fully grasped yet. People are trying to see in between the margins to find out what’s going on and getting snippets of information, and those snippets are going to be very, very important.
But to act against them in any way, it can be quite disastrous. I’ve had that experience and I think many, many other people have too. So this is maybe why we should tell exactly who they are, should announce ourselves and be fearless about it. It’s because of that fear… that’s at the base of all that still exists.
B:  Something that we spoke about earlier when we had a conversation a few days ago was there’s a supreme arrogance in these people, which you’ve experienced at first-hand, which George Green described when we first met and talked to him about a year and three-quarters ago: He said: They think they’ve won. They’re not worried about anything any more. They’re not trying to silence all the alternative media. Not really, you know. It’s not going to make any difference. What difference is a couple of voices going to make? The plan’s still going to roll out. It’s not going to make any difference at all, they believe, what you or I might say.
W:  Well I go along with what George Green said. He’s painted a far better picture than I could, because that’s exactly what it’s like. They are incredibly arrogant. Along with their other attributes that they have, there is that arrogance there. It’s quite tangible. Yes. And they’re just comfortable about what they’re doing, totally comfortable. They’re not hiding around and sneaking about. I mean, these are quite open people, some of them, public figures.
B:  Okay. Now, is there anything that we missed? Is there anything that you wanted to say but didn’t have a chance to fully enlarge on? Is there anything you want to add that I haven’t even asked you about?
W:  There’s still such a story to tell, I think, because I’m very aware that people need to see a decent level of credibility in what I’ve been describing to you, and I guess that’s always a difficulty. But all I can really say is I’ve been aware of this timeline since the early ’70s, too young to understand what it was at the time.
In fact it seemed to me quite an exciting thing that was going on, and that was the first time I ever heard of the existence of the “Anglo Saxon Mission.”
And details of what I know, I feel if I started mentioning names in particular and what was mentioned and where I was at the time, might compromise the Official Secrets Act, which I’m still party to in so many aspects. I say the military. Where it’s in a civilian environment, then no; I feel happy talking about that.
I wish there was a way that I could describe other events, which you’re aware of, and do so in a manner that would allow people to understand me far better than I’ve explained here. Then they’d see exactly where I’m coming from, where I’ve been, and what I’ve been through. I feel that then people could rationalize what’s been said far better.
But I do feel that what’s been said so far is enough for people, if they so wish, to have a look themselves and uncover a few stones. And if anything of significance does come out of it which other people can corroborate, that would be fantastic. That would be good, because evidence… You know, I know it’s so crucial to do things like this, and there’s no smoking gun as such. There’s only one person reporting something that happened five years ago, principally, but there is a much, much larger story around that which you are aware of, and we need to be extremely careful about where we go with that.
B:  There are many people, of course, who do have access to the same information you do. This is something that is known by thousands of people in finance and the military and politics. It’s widely known. It’s a very small proportion of the world’s population, but it’s still very widely known.
W:  Absolutely. Yes.
B:  And something that we’ve always encouraged, and we say it again here, is that we encourage anyone who has experienced it first-hand or even at second-hand, any aspect of this, to please step forward and know that there’s safety in numbers. Know that the more people who break ranks and have the courage that you have to speak out, the more will be heard, the more will be understood, and the whole thing will be like a gradually rolling snowball. The snowball is rolling. It’s quite small, but it is rolling.
W:  Oh, it is. It is. There’ll come a time where names will be named if there’s enough public support, and we will demand answers from those people.
So when enough fruit from the tree of evidence comes off, then these people can be properly challenged, and then we can see a far different story, you know, emerge from the one that people like myself are giving you. It’ll become more real, far more real. We can do that. We can take people to task.
B:  Okay. All right. This is very, very important. I want to close by saying: thank you for your courage, and thank you for your spirit.
W:  Thank you very much, too, Bill.


(1) See for instance “What are the Chances of a Nuclear War with China,” at and “No Nuclear War” at
(2) On the Haiti Earthquake, see “Matthew Ward: Haiti Earthquake Was a Black Opertion” at On the tsunami, see “Was the Tsunami Caused by a Bomb?” at
(3) See First Contact at and various essays on the topic at and
(4) This discussion of biological agents being used against China aligns with and appears to validate Ben Fulford’s articles on the subject. See for instance “Benjamin Fulford on Rense,” Nov. 7, 2007, at Illuminatis’ Plan

The Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies Which Have Influenced Modern Masonic Symbolism

WHEN confronted with a problem involving the use of the reasoning faculties, individuals of strong intellect keep their poise, and seek to reach a solution by obtaining facts bearing upon the question. Those of immature mentality, on the other hand, when similarly confronted, are overwhelmed. While the former may be qualified to solve the riddle of their own destiny, the latter must be led like a flock of sheep and taught in simple language. They depend almost entirely upon the ministrations of the shepherd. The Apostle Paul said that these little ones must be fed with milk, but that meat is the food of strong men. Thoughtlessness is almost synonymous with childishness, while thoughtfulness is symbolic of maturity.
There are, however, but few mature minds in the world; and thus it was that the philosophic-religious doctrines of the pagans were divided to meet the needs of these two fundamental groups of human intellect--one philosophic, the other incapable of appreciating the deeper mysteries of life. To the discerning few were revealed the esoteric, or spiritual, teachings, while the unqualified many received only the literal, or exoteric, interpretations. In order to make simple the great truths of Nature and the abstract principles of natural law, the vital forces of the universe were personified, becoming the gods and goddesses of the ancient mythologies. While the ignorant multitudes brought their offerings to the altars of Priapus and Pan (deities representing the procreative energies), the wise recognized in these marble statues only symbolic concretions of great abstract truths.
In all cities of the ancient world were temples for public worship and offering. In every community also were philosophers and mystics, deeply versed in Nature's lore. These individuals were usually banded together, forming seclusive philosophic and religious schools. The more important of these groups were known as the Mysteries. Many of the great minds of antiquity were initiated into these secret fraternities by strange and mysterious rites, some of which were extremely cruel. Alexander Wilder defines the Mysteries as "Sacred dramas performed at stated periods. The most celebrated were those of Isis, Sabazius, Cybele, and Eleusis." After being admitted, the initiates were instructed in the secret wisdom which had been preserved for ages. Plato, an initiate of one of these sacred orders, was severely criticized because in his writings he revealed to the public many of the secret philosophic principles of the Mysteries.
Every pagan nation had (and has) not only its state religion, but another into which the philosophic elect alone have gained entrance. Many of these ancient cults vanished from the earth without revealing their secrets, but a few have survived the test of ages and their mysterious symbols are still preserved. Much of the ritualism of Freemasonry is based on the trials to which candidates were subjected by the ancient hierophants before the keys of wisdom were entrusted to them.
Few realize the extent to which the ancient secret schools influenced contemporary intellects and, through those minds, posterity. Robert Macoy, 33°, in his General History of Freemasonry, pays a magnificent tribute to the part played by the ancient Mysteries in the rearing of the edifice of human culture. He says, in part: "It appears that all the perfection of civilization, and all the advancement made in philosophy, science, and art among the ancients are due to those institutions which, under the veil of mystery, sought to illustrate the sublimest truths of religion, morality, and virtue, and impress them on the hearts of their disciples.* * * Their chief object was to teach the doctrine of one God, the resurrection of man to eternal life, the dignity of the human soul, and to lead the people to see the shadow of the deity, in the beauty, magnificence, and splendor of the universe."
With the decline of virtue, which has preceded the destruction of every nation of history, the Mysteries became perverted. Sorcery took the place of the divine magic. Indescribable practices (such as the Bacchanalia) were introduced, and perversion ruled supreme; for no institution can be any better than the members of which it is composed. In despair, the few who were true sought to preserve the secret doctrines from oblivion. In some cases they succeeded, but more often the arcanum was lost and only the empty shell of the Mysteries remained.
Thomas Taylor has written, "Man is naturally a religious animal." From the earliest dawning of his consciousness, man has worshiped and revered things as symbolic of the invisible, omnipresent, indescribable Thing, concerning which he could discover practically nothing. The pagan Mysteries opposed the Christians during the early centuries of their church, declaring that the new faith (Christianity) did not demand virtue and integrity as requisites for salvation. Celsus expressed himself on the subject in the following caustic terms:
"That I do not, however, accuse the Christians more bitterly than truth compels, may be conjectured from hence, that the cryers who call men to other mysteries proclaim as follows: 'Let him approach whose hands are pure, and whose words are wise.' And again, others proclaim: 'Let him approach who is pure from all wickedness, whose soul is not conscious of any evil, and who leads a just and upright life.' And these things are proclaimed by those who promise a purification from error. Let us now hear who those are that are called to the Christian mysteries: Whoever is a sinner, whoever is unwise, whoever is a fool, and whoever, in short, is miserable, him the kingdom of God will receive. Do you not, therefore, call a sinner, an unjust man, a thief, a housebreaker, a wizard, one who is sacrilegious, and a robber of sepulchres? What other persons would the cryer nominate, who should call robbers together?"
It was not the true faith of the early Christian mystics that Celsus attacked, but the false forms that were creeping in even during his day. The ideals of early Christianity were based upon the high moral standards of the pagan Mysteries, and the first Christians who met under the city of Rome used as their places of worship the subterranean temples of Mithras, from whose cult has been borrowed much of the sacerdotalism of the modem church.
The ancient philosophers believed that no man could live intelligently who did not have a fundamental knowledge of Nature and her laws. Before man can obey, he must understand, and the Mysteries were devoted to instructing man concerning the operation of divine law in the terrestrial sphere. Few of the early cults actually worshiped anthropomorphic deities, although their symbolism might lead one to believe they did. They were moralistic rather than religionistic; philosophic rather than theologic. They taught man to use his faculties more intelligently, to be patient in the face of adversity, to be courageous when confronted by danger, to be true in the midst of temptation, and, most of all, to view a worthy life as the most acceptable sacrifice to God, and his body as an altar sacred to the Deity.
Sun worship played an important part in nearly all the early pagan Mysteries. This indicates the probability of their Atlantean origin, for the people of Atlantis were sun worshipers. The Solar Deity was usually personified as a beautiful youth, with long golden hair to symbolize the rays of the sun. This golden Sun God was slain by wicked ruffians, who personified the evil principle of the universe. By means of certain rituals and ceremonies, symbolic of purification and regeneration, this wonderful God of Good was brought back to life and became the Savior of His people. The secret processes whereby He was resurrected symbolized those cultures by means of which man is able to overcome his lower nature, master his appetites, and give expression to the higher side of himself. The Mysteries were organized for the purpose of assisting the struggling human creature to reawaken the spiritual powers which, surrounded by the flaming
From Montfaucon's Antiquities.

This illustration shows Cybele, here called the Syrian Goddess, in the robes of a hierophant. Montfaucon describes the figure as follows: "Upon her head is an episcopal mitre, adorned on the lower part with towers and pinnacles; over the gate of the city is a crescent, and beneath the circuit of the walls a crown of rays. The Goddess wears a sort of surplice, exactly like the surplice of a priest or bishop; and upon the surplice a tunic, which falls down to the legs; and over all an episcopal cope, with the twelve signs of the Zodiac wrought on the borders. The figure hath a lion on each side, and holds in its left hand a Tympanum, a Sistrum, a Distaff, a Caduceus, and another instrument. In her right hand she holds with her middle finger a thunderbolt, and upon the same am animals, insects, and, as far as we may guess, flowers, fruit, a bow, a quiver, a torch, and a scythe." The whereabouts of the statue is unknown, the copy reproduced by Montfaucon being from drawings by Pirro Ligorio.
ring of lust and degeneracy, lay asleep within his soul. In other words, man was offered a way by which he could regain his lost estate. (See Wagner's Siegfried.)
In the ancient world, nearly all the secret societies were philosophic and religious. During the mediæval centuries, they were chiefly religious and political, although a few philosophic schools remained. In modern times, secret societies, in the Occidental countries, are largely political or fraternal, although in a few of them, as in Masonry, the ancient religious and philosophic principles still survive.
Space prohibits a detailed discussion of the secret schools. There were literally scores of these ancient cults, with branches in all parts of the Eastern and Western worlds. Some, such as those of Pythagoras and the Hermetists, show a decided Oriental influence, while the Rosicrucians, according to their own proclamations, gained much of their wisdom from Arabian mystics. Although the Mystery schools are usually associated with civilization, there is evidence that the most uncivilized peoples of prehistoric times had a knowledge of them. Natives of distant islands, many in the lowest forms of savagery, have mystic rituals and secret practices which, although primitive, are of a decided Masonic tinge.



"The original and primitive inhabitants of Britain, at some remote period, revived and reformed their national institutes. Their priest, or instructor, had hitherto been simply named Gwydd, but it was considered to have become necessary to divide this office between the national, or superior, priest and another whose influence [would] be more limited. From henceforth the former became Der-Wydd (Druid), or superior instructor, and [the latter] Go-Wydd, or O-Vydd (Ovate), subordinate instructor; and both went by the general name of Beirdd (Bards), or teachers of wisdom. As the system matured and augmented, the Bardic Order consisted of three classes, the Druids, Beirdd Braint, or privileged Bards, and Ovates." (See Samuel Meyrick and Charles Smith, The Costume of The Original Inhabitants of The British Islands.)
The origin of the word Druid is under dispute. Max Müller believes that, like the Irish word Drui, it means "the men of the oak trees." He further draws attention to the fact that the forest gods and tree deities of the Greeks were called dryades. Some believe the word to be of Teutonic origin; others ascribe it to the Welsh. A few trace it to the Gaelic druidh, which means "a wise man" or "a sorcerer." In Sanskrit the word dru means "timber."
At the time of the Roman conquest, the Druids were thoroughly ensconced in Britain and Gaul. Their power over the people was unquestioned, and there were instances in which armies, about to attack each other, sheathed their swords when ordered to do so by the white-robed Druids. No undertaking of great importance was scatted without the assistance of these patriarchs, who stood as mediators between the gods and men. The Druidic Order is deservedly credited with having had a deep understanding of Nature and her laws. The Encyclopædia Britannica states that geography, physical science, natural theology, and astrology were their favorite studies. The Druids had a fundamental knowledge of medicine, especially the use of herbs and simples. Crude surgical instruments also have been found in England and Ireland. An odd treatise on early British medicine states that every practitioner was expected to have a garden or back yard for the growing of certain herbs necessary to his profession. Eliphas Levi, the celebrated transcendentalist, makes the following significant statement:
"The Druids were priests and physicians, curing by magnetism and charging amylets with their fluidic influence. Their universal remedies were mistletoe and serpents' eggs, because these substances attract the astral light in a special manner. The solemnity with which mistletoe was cut down drew upon this plant the popular confidence and rendered it powerfully magnetic. * * * The progress of magnetism will some day reveal to us the absorbing properties of mistletoe. We shall then understand the secret of those spongy growths which drew the unused virtues of plants and become surcharged with tinctures and savors. Mushrooms, truffles, gall on trees, and the different kinds of mistletoe will be employed with understanding by a medical science, which will be new because it is old * * * but one must not move quicker than science, which recedes that it may advance the further. " (See The History of Magic.)
Not only was the mistletoe sacred as symbolic of the universal medicine, or panacea, but also because of the fact that it grew upon the oak tree. Through the symbol of the oak, the Druids worshiped the Supreme Deity; therefore, anything growing upon that tree was sacred to Him. At certain seasons, according to the positions of the sun, moon, and stars, the Arch-Druid climbed the oak tree and cut the mistletoe with a golden sickle consecrated for that service. The parasitic growth was caught in white cloths provided for the purpose, lest it touch the earth and be polluted by terrestrial vibrations. Usually a sacrifice of a white bull was made under the tree.
The Druids were initiates of a secret school that existed in their midst. This school, which closely resembled the Bacchic and Eleusinian Mysteries of Greece or the Egyptian rites of Isis and Osiris, is justly designated the Druidic Mysteries. There has been much speculation concerning the secret wisdom that the Druids claimed to possess. Their secret teachings were never written, but were communicated orally to specially prepared candidates. Robert Brown, 32°, is of the opinion that the British priests secured their information from Tyrian and Phœnician navigators who, thousands of years before the Christian Era, established colonies in Britain and Gaul while searching for tin. Thomas Maurice, in his Indian Antiquities, discourses at length on Phœnician, Carthaginian, and Greek expeditions to the British Isles for the purpose of procuring tin. Others are of the opinion that the Mysteries as celebrated by the Druids were of Oriental origin, possibly Buddhistic.
The proximity of the British Isles to the lost Atlantis may account for the sun worship which plays an important part in the rituals of Druidism. According to Artemidorus, Ceres and Persephone were worshiped on an island close to Britain with rites and ceremonies similar to those of Samothrace. There is no doubt that the Druidic Pantheon includes a large number of Greek and Roman deities. This greatly amazed Cæsar during his conquest of Britain and Gaul, and caused him to affirm that these tribes adored Mercury, Apollo, Mars, and Jupiter, in a manner similar to that of the Latin countries. It is almost certain that the Druidic Mysteries were not indigenous to Britain or Gaul, but migrated from one of the more ancient civilizations.
The school of the Druids was divided into three distinct parts, and the secret teachings embodied therein are practically the same as the mysteries concealed under the allegories of Blue Lodge Masonry. The lowest of the three divisions was that of Ovate (Ovydd). This was an honorary degree, requiring no special purification or preparation. The Ovates dressed in green, the Druidic color of learning, and were expected to know something about medicine, astronomy, poetry if possible, and sometimes music. An Ovate was an individual admitted to the Druidic Order because of his general excellence and superior knowledge concerning the problems of life.
The second division was that of Bard (Beirdd). Its members were robed in sky-blue, to represent harmony and truth, and to them was assigned the labor of memorizing, at least in part, the twenty thousand verses of Druidic sacred poetry. They were often pictured with the primitive British or Irish harp--an instrument strung with human hair, and having as many strings as there were ribs on one side of the human body. These Bards were often chosen as teachers of candidates seeking entrance into the Druidic Mysteries. Neophytes wore striped robes of blue, green, and white, these being the three sacred colors of the Druidic Order.
The third division was that of Druid (Derwyddon). Its particular labor was to minister to the religious needs of the people. To reach this dignity, the candidate must first become a Bard Braint. The Druids always dressed in white--symbolic of their purity, and the color used by them to symbolize the sun.
In order to reach the exalted position of Arch-Druid, or spiritual head of the organization, it was necessary for a priest to pass through the six successive degrees of the Druidic Order. (The members of the different degrees were differentiated by the colors of their sashes, for all of them wore robes of white.) Some writers are of the opinion that the title of Arch-Druid was hereditary, descending from father to son, but it is more probable that the honor was conferred by ballot election. Its recipient was chosen for his virtues and
From Wellcome's Ancient Cymric Medicine.

The most striking adornment of the Arch-Druid was the iodhan moran, or breastplate of judgment, which possessed the mysterious Power of strangling any who made an untrue statement while wearing it. Godfrey Higgins states that this breastplate was put on the necks of witnesses to test the veracity of their evidence. The Druidic tiara, or anguinum, its front embossed with a number of points to represent the sun's rays, indicated that the priest was a personification of the rising sun. On the front of his belt the Arch-Druid wore the liath meisicith--a magic brooch, or buckle in the center of which was a large white stone. To this was attributed the power of drawing the fire of the gods down from heaven at the priest's command This specially cut stone was a burning glass, by which the sun's rays were concentrated to light the altar fires. The Druids also had other symbolic implements, such as the peculiarly shaped golden sickle with which they cut the mistletoe from the oak, and the cornan, or scepter, in the form of a crescent, symbolic of the sixth day of the increasing moon and also of the Ark of Noah. An early initiate of the Druidic Mysteries related that admission to their midnight ceremony was gained by means of a glass boat, called Cwrwg Gwydrin. This boat symbolized the moon, which, floating upon the waters of eternity, preserved the seeds of living creatures within its boatlike crescent.
integrity from the most learned members of the higher Druidic degrees.
According to James Gardner, there were usually two Arch-Druids in Britain, one residing on the Isle of Anglesea and the other on the Isle of Man. Presumably there were others in Gaul. These dignitaries generally carried golden scepters and were crowned with wreaths of oak leaves, symbolic of their authority. The younger members of the Druidic Order were clean-shaven and modestly dressed, but the more aged had long gray beards and wore magnificent golden ornaments. The educational system of the Druids in Britain was superior to that of their colleagues on the Continent, and consequently many of the Gallic youths were sent to the Druidic colleges in Britain for their philosophical instruction and training.
Eliphas Levi states that the Druids lived in strict abstinence, studied the natural sciences, preserved the deepest secrecy, and admitted new members only after long probationary periods. Many of the priests of the order lived in buildings not unlike the monasteries of the modern world. They were associated in groups like ascetics of the Far East. Although celibacy was not demanded of them, few married. Many of the Druids retired from the world and lived as recluses in caves, in rough-stone houses, or in little shacks built in the depths of a forest. Here they prayed and medicated, emerging only to perform their religious duties.
James Freeman Clarke, in his Ten Great Religions, describes the beliefs of the Druids as follows: "The Druids believed in three worlds and in transmigration from one to the other: In a world above this, in which happiness predominated; a world below, of misery; and this present state. This transmigration was to punish and reward and also to purify the soul. In the present world, said they, Good and Evil are so exactly balanced that man has the utmost freedom and is able to choose or reject either. The Welsh Triads tell us there are three objects of metempsychosis: to collect into the soul the properties of all being, to acquire a knowledge of all things, and to get power to conquer evil. There are also, they say, three kinds of knowledge: knowledge of the nature of each thing, of its cause, and its influence. There are three things which continually grow less: darkness, falsehood, and death. There are three which constantly increase: light, life, and truth."
Like nearly all schools of the Mysteries, the teachings of the Druids were divided into two distinct sections. The simpler, a moral code, was taught to all the people, while the deeper, esoteric doctrine was given only to initiated priests. To be admitted to the order, a candidate was required to be of good family and of high moral character. No important secrets were intrusted to him until he had been tempted in many ways and his strength of character severely tried. The Druids taught the people of Britain and Gaul concerning the immortality of the soul. They believed in transmigration and apparently in reincarnation. They borrowed in one life, promising to pay back in the next. They believed in a purgatorial type of hell where they would be purged of their sins, afterward passing on to the happiness of unity with the gods. The Druids taught that all men would be saved, but that some must return to earth many times to learn the lessons of human life and to overcome the inherent evil of their own natures.
Before a candidate was intrusted with the secret doctrines of the Druids, he was bound with a vow of secrecy. These doctrines were imparted only in the depths of forests and in the darkness of caves. In these places, far from the haunts of men, the neophyte was instructed concerning the creation of the universe, the personalities of the gods, the laws of Nature, the secrets of occult medicine, the mysteries of the celestial bodies, and the rudiments of magic and sorcery. The Druids had a great number of feast days. The new and full moon and the sixth day of the moon were sacred periods. It is believed that initiations took place only at the two solstices and the two equinoxes. At dawn of the 25th day of December, the birth of the Sun God was celebrated.
The secret teachings of the Druids are said by some to be tinctured with Pythagorean philosophy. The Druids had a Madonna, or Virgin Mother, with a Child in her arms, who was sacred to their Mysteries; and their Sun God was resurrected at the time of the year corresponding to that at which modern Christians celebrate Easter.
Both the cross and the serpent were sacred to the Druids, who made the former by cutting off all the branches of an oak tree and fastening one of them to the main trunk in the form of the letter T. This oaken cross became symbolic of their superior Deity. They also worshiped the sun, moon, and stars. The moon received their special veneration. Caesar stated that Mercury was one of the chief deities of the Gauls. The Druids are believed to have worshiped Mercury under the similitude of a stone cube. They also had great veneration for the Nature spirits (fairies, gnomes, and undines), little creatures of the forests and rivers to whom many offerings were made. Describing the temples of the Druids, Charles Heckethorn, in The Secret Societies of All Ages & Countries, says:
"Their temples wherein the sacred fire was preserved were generally situate on eminences and in dense groves of oak, and assumed various forms--circular, because a circle was the emblem of the universe; oval, in allusion to the mundane egg, from which issued, according to the traditions of many nations, the universe, or, according to others, our first parents; serpentine, because a serpent was the symbol of Hu, the Druidic Osiris; cruciform, because a cross is an emblem of regeneration; or winged, to represent the motion of the Divine Spirit. * * * Their chief deities were reducible to two--a male and a female, the great father and mother--Hu and Ceridwen, distinguished by the same characteristics as belong to Osiris and Isis, Bacchus and Ceres, or any other supreme god and goddess representing the two principles of all Being."
Godfrey Higgins states that Hu, the Mighty, regarded as the first settler of Britain, came from a place which the Welsh Triads call the Summer Country, the present site of Constantinople. Albert Pike says that the Lost Word of Masonry is concealed in the name of the Druid god Hu. The meager information extant concerning the secret initiations of the Druids indicates a decided similarity between their Mystery school and the schools of Greece and Egypt. Hu, the Sun God, was murdered and, after a number of strange ordeals and mystic rituals, was restored to life.
There were three degrees of the Druidic Mysteries, but few successfully passed them all. The candidate was buried in a coffin, as symbolic of the death of the Sun God. The supreme test, however, was being sent out to sea in an open boat. While undergoing this ordeal, many lost their lives. Taliesin, an ancient scholar, who passed through the Mysteries, describes the initiation of the open boat in Faber's Pagan Idolatry. The few who passed this third degree were said to have been "born again," and were instructed in the secret and hidden truths which the Druid priests had preserved from antiquity. From these initiates were chosen many of the dignitaries of the British religious and political world. (For further details, see Faber's Pagan Idolatry, Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma, and Godfrey Higgins' Celtic Druids.)



When the Persian Mysteries immigrated into Southern Europe, they were quickly assimilated by the Latin mind. The cult grew rapidly, especially among the Roman soldiery, and during the Roman wars of conquest the teachings were carried by the legionaries to nearly all parts of Europe. So powerful did the cult of Mithras become that at least one Roman Emperor was initiated into the order, which met in caverns under the city of Rome. Concerning the spread of this Mystery school through different parts of Europe, C. W. King, in his Gnostics and Their Remains, says:
"Mithraic bas-reliefs cut on the faces of rocks or on stone tablets still abound in the countries formerly the western provinces of the Roman Empire; many exist in Germany, still more in France, and in this island (Britain) they have often been discovered on the line of the Picts' Wall and the noted one at Bath."
Alexander Wilder, in his Philosophy and Ethics of the Zoroasters, states that Mithras is the Zend title for the sun, and he is supposed to dwell within that shining orb. Mithras has a male and a female aspect, though not himself androgynous. As Mithras, he is the ford of the sun, powerful and radiant, and most magnificent of the Yazatas (Izads, or Genii, of the sun). As Mithra, this deity represents the feminine principle; the mundane universe is recognized as her symbol. She represents Nature as receptive and terrestrial, and as fruitful only when bathed in the glory of the solar orb. The Mithraic cult is a simplification of the more elaborate teachings of Zarathustra (Zoroaster), the Persian fire magician.
From Maurice's Indian Antiquities.

The Druid temples of places of religious worship were not patterned after those of other nations. Most of their ceremonies were performed at night, either in thick groves of oak trees or around open-air altars built of great uncut stones. How these masses of rock were moved ahs not been satisfactorily explained. The most famous of their altars, a great stone ring of rocks, is Stonehenge, in Southwestern England. This structure, laid out on an astronomical basis, still stands, a wonder of antiquity.
According to the Persians, there coexisted in eternity two principles. The first of these, Ahura-Mazda, or Ormuzd, was the Spirit of Good. From Ormuzd came forth a number of hierarchies of good and beautiful spirits (angels and archangels). The second of these eternally existing principles was called Ahriman. He was also a pure and beautiful spirit, but he later rebelled against Ormuzd, being jealous of his power. This did not occur, however, until after Ormuzd had created light, for previously Ahriman had not been conscious of the existence of Ormuzd. Because of his jealousy and rebellion, Ahriman became the Spirit of Evil. From himself he individualized a host of destructive creatures to injure Ormuzd.
When Ormuzd created the earth, Ahriman entered into its grosser elements. Whenever Ormuzd did a good deed, Ahriman placed the principle of evil within it. At last when Ormuzd created the human race, Ahriman became incarnate in the lower nature of man so that in each personality the Spirit of Good and the Spirit of Evil struggle for control. For 3,000 years Ormuzd ruled the celestial worlds with light and goodness. Then he created man. For another 3,000 years he ruled man with wisdom, and integrity. Then the power of Ahriman began, and the struggle for the soul of man continues through the next period of 3,000 years. During the fourth period of 3,000 years, the power of Ahriman will be destroyed. Good will return to the world again, evil and death will be vanquished, and at last the Spirit of Evil will bow humbly before the throne of Ormuzd. While Ormuzd and Ahriman are struggling for control of the human soul and for supremacy in Nature, Mithras, God of Intelligence, stands as mediator between the two. Many authors have noted the similarity between mercury and Mithras. As the chemical mercury acts as a solvent (according to alchemists), so Mithras seeks to harmonize the two celestial opposites.
There are many points of resemblance between Christianity and the cult of Mithras. One of the reasons for this probably is that the Persian mystics invaded Italy during the first century after Christ and the early history of both cults was closely interwoven. The Encyclopædia Britannica makes the following statement concerning the Mithraic and Christian Mysteries:
"The fraternal and democratic spirit of the first communities, and their humble origin; the identification of the object of adoration with light and the sun; the legends of the shepherds with their gifts and adoration, the flood, and the ark; the representation in art of the fiery chariot, the drawing of water from the rock; the use of bell and candle, holy water and the communion; the sanctification of Sunday and of the 25th of December; the insistence on moral conduct, the emphasis placed on abstinence and self-control; the doctrine of heaven and hell, of primitive revelation, of the mediation of the Logos emanating from the divine, the atoning sacrifice, the constant warfare between good and evil and the final triumph of the former, the immortality of the soul, the last judgment, the resurrection of the flesh and the fiery destruction of the universe--[these] are some of the resemblances which, whether real or only apparent, enabled Mithraism to prolong its resistance to Christianity,"
The rites of Mithras were performed in caves. Porphyry, in his Cave of the Nymphs, states that Zarathustra (Zoroaster) was the first to consecrate a cave to the worship of God, because a cavern was symbolic of the earth, or the lower world of darkness. John P. Lundy, in his Monumental Christianity, describes the cave of Mithras as follows:
"But this cave was adorned with the signs of the zodiac, Cancer and Capricorn. The summer and winter solstices were chiefly conspicuous, as the gates of souls descending into this life, or passing out of it in their ascent to the Gods; Cancer being the gate of descent, and Capricorn of ascent. These are the two avenues of the immortals passing up and down from earth to heaven, and from heaven to earth."
The so-called chair of St. Peter, in Rome, was believed to have been used in one of the pagan Mysteries, possibly that of Mithras, in whose subterranean grottoes the votaries of the Christian Mysteries met in the early days of their faith. In Anacalypsis, Godfrey Higgins writes that in 1662, while cleaning this sacred chair of Bar-Jonas, the Twelve Labors of Hercules were discovered upon it, and that later the French discovered upon the same chair the Mohammedan confession of faith, written in Arabic.
Initiation into the rites of Mithras, like initiation into many other ancient schools of philosophy, apparently consisted of three important degrees. Preparation for these degrees consisted of self-purification, the building up of the intellectual powers, and the control of the animal nature. In the first degree the candidate was given a crown upon the point of a sword and instructed in the mysteries of Mithras' hidden power. Probably he was taught that the golden crown represented his own spiritual nature, which must be objectified and unfolded before he could truly glorify Mithras; for Mithras was his own soul, standing as mediator between Ormuzd, his spirit, and Ahriman, his animal nature. In the second degree he was given the armor of intelligence and purity and sent into the darkness of subterranean pits to fight the beasts of lust, passion, and degeneracy. In the third degree he was given a cape, upon which were drawn or woven the signs of the zodiac and other astronomical symbols. After his initiations were over, he was hailed as one who had risen from the dead, was instructed in the secret teachings of the Persian mystics, and became a full-fledged member of the order. Candidates who successfully passed the Mithraic initiations were called Lions and were marked upon their foreheads with the Egyptian cross. Mithras himself is often pictured with the head of a lion and two pairs of wings. Throughout the entire ritual were repeated references to the birth of Mithras as the Sun God, his sacrifice for man, his death that men might have eternal life, and lastly, his resurrection and the saving of all humanity by his intercession before the throne of Ormuzd. (See Heckethorn.)
While the cult of Mithras did not reach the philosophic heights attained by Zarathustra, its effect upon the civilization of the Western world was far-reaching, for at one time nearly all Europe was converted to its doctrines. Rome, in her intercourse with other nations, inoculated them with her religious principles; and many later institutions have exhibited Mithraic culture. The reference to the "Lion" and the "Grip of the Lion's Paw" in the Master Mason's degree have a strong Mithraic tinge and may easily have originated from this cult. A ladder of seven rungs appears in the Mithraic initiation. Faber is of the opinion that this ladder was originally a pyramid of seven steps. It is possible that the Masonic ladder with seven rungs had its origin in this Mithraic symbol. Women were never permitted to enter the Mithraic Order, but children of the male sex were initiates long before they reached maturity. The refusal to permit women to join the Masonic Order may be based on the esoteric reason given in the secret instructions of the Mithraics. This cult is another excellent example of those secret societies whose legends are largely symbolic representations of the sun and his journey through the houses of the heavens. Mithras, rising from a stone, is merely the sun rising over the horizon, or, as the ancients supposed, out of the horizon, at the vernal equinox.
John O'Neill disputes the theory that Mithras was intended as a solar deity. In The Night of the Gods he writes: "The Avestan Mithra, the yazata of light, has '10,000 eyes, high, with full knowledge (perethuvaedayana), strong, sleepless and ever awake (jaghaurvaunghem).'The supreme god Ahura Mazda also has one Eye, or else it is said that 'with his eyes, the sun, moon and stars, he sees everything.' The theory that Mithra was originally a title of the supreme heavens-god--putting the sun out of court--is the only one that answers all requirements. It will be evident that here we have origins in abundance for the Freemason's Eye and 'its nunquam dormio.'" The reader must nor confuse the Persian Mithra with the Vedic Mitra. According to Alexander Wilder, "The Mithraic rites superseded the Mysteries of Bacchus, and became the foundation of the Gnostic system, which for many centuries prevailed in Asia, Egypt, and even the remote West."
From Lundy's Monumental Christianity.

The most famous sculpturings and reliefs of this prototokos show Mithras kneeling upon the recumbent form of a great bull, into whose throat he is driving a sword. The slaying of the bull signifies that the rays of the sun, symbolized by the sword, release at the vernal equinox the vital essences of the earth--the blood of the bull--which, pouring from the wound made by the Sun God, fertilize the seeds of living things. Dogs were held sacred to the cult of Mithras, being symbolic of sincerity and trustworthiness. The Mithraics used the serpent a an emblem of Ahriman, the Spirit of Evil, and water rats were held sacred to him. The bull is esoterically the Constellation of Taurus; the serpent, its opposite in the zodiac, Scorpio; the sun, Mithras, entering into the side of the bull, slays the celestial creature and nourishes the universe with its blood.
From Montfaucon's Antiquities

Mithras was born out of a rock, which, breaking open, permitted him to emerge. This occurred in the darkness of a subterranean chamber. The Church of the Nativity at Bethlehem confirms the theory that Jesus was born in a grotto, or cave. According to Dupuis, Mithras was put to death by crucifixion and rose again on the third day.