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Illuminati and The Science Of External Controls Monitoring (Asset Control)

Every intelligence service since time began has sought methods of owning people and ensuring they stayed loyal. Two of 13 Illuminati families who are known to have developed extremely well-run bloodline intelligence groups are the Li family and the Rothschild family. The Li’s family started its Chinese intelligence back in 1400 A.D. They had already been an ancient Chinese aristocratic family for many centuries prior to this. Some of their techniques for their agents were state of the art mind control techniques. The Rothschild’s personal spy network and their own mail service was known to be superior to the national European governments during the 19th century.
Traditional spycraft has involved the ability to recruit and keep agents loyal. The professional spook manipulates his recruits for a living. He becomes adept at controlling people.  For thousands of years, spy operations have honed their skills at controlling people. Because they work secretly, they generally have done whatever they wanted. When you combine the resources and centuries of intelligence operations of the Illuminati, along with the credibility of government intelligence agencies supposedly guarding our national security, the combination is horrific. There are no moral or financial restraints on what is being done. If the intelligence groups want to dabble in keeping a severed head alive apart from the body, (or a frozen body with an active head) which they have done, there is no one to stop them.
Handlers of slaves use both natural and contrived cues to convey to the slave that they want obedience.  A natural non-verbal threat cue would be brusque movements, and an innuendo in their voice. A contrived cue would be placing both hands behind the head, which is a code for "I AM YOUR MASTER, OBEY ME." Another cue for slaves to obey is when the master makes a fist with his right hand and touches his forehead. This means, "OBEY." Even children, who were multiples, who were being taught to control their mother who wanted to leave the cult, have been observed using the fist to the forehead to try to get obedience from their mother. Staring is one method that the Programmers use. Charles Manson, who was both a slave and a handler, is an example of how a penetrating hypnotic stare is used by the Programmers. 
One way to control people is to wear clothes of authority. Dr. Green, Dr. Black, Dr. Star, Michael Aquino and other programmers have worn Nazi uniforms while programming, and at other time have worn Satanic Priestly garb. 
A beginning point to control people is understanding human needs, and understanding the individual to be controlled. A good case officer learns everything he can about the asset (person or slave) he is to control. Case officers/handlers have been constantly working at improving their skills of control. Monarch slaves who must function as intelligence officers, who recruit spies, are trained in the art of listening and conversation.  Learning to listen without interrupting is a guarantee of success. CIA handlers/ programmers have an extremely personable side to them--and a very deadly animalistic side to them too. They will be trained to look anyone they want to recruit in the eyes and withstand their stare.  "Friendship begins with a smile; recruitment with a stare." (This is a quote from the book Suvorov, Viktor. Inside The Aquarium. New York : Macmillan, p. 108.  During training, men in U.S. Army Intelligence are told to read this book to understand how U.S. intelligence works.)
The entire lives of Monarch slaves are kept on records. Zbigniew Brezinski, and the heads of the CIA, and Sec. of Defense Cheney are just some of the men known about who have access to the computer records that contain records on every active Monarch slave.  Not everyone has a price, but everyone will respond to their needs being met. James K. Van Fleet, an important military intelligence officer, wrote about how to manage people. In military intelligence, they keep files on people where they identify which subconscious desires of people are important to the person at the time.  All this information is kept in SOFT FILES--which are not official files, so these files have never officially existed and are not given up even to Congressional subpoenas. The Intelligence agencies know that if they find out what the person wants above all else in life, they can control the person.
The nine areas that are monitored to see if they are important at the moment are:
1. emotional security
2. recognition of efforts or reassurance of worth
3. creative outlets
4. a sense of personal power
5. a sense of roots--belonging somewhere
6. immortality
7. ego-gratification
8. love in all its forms
9. new experiences Once they monitor these areas and then they determine which needs are priority needs for the person, then they will use what they call "the depth approach" to subconsciously gratify those needs in a way that they gain control over the person.
Modern companies are doing this too. Dough mix isn’t sold, but making a family memory with the children is. Soap isn’t sold to get dishes clean--but rather soft beautiful hands are sold. Cosmetic companies don’t sell an item--they sell you hope or an image. Fruit dealers don’t sell fruit, they sell health and vitality. Car dealers don’t sell cars, they sell prestige and images. Freezers aren’t sold, emotional security from having a full freezer is sold. They have learned to genuinely appeal to the 9 subconscious desires. 

An Illuminati Primer The Religious Nature Of Politics - Astronomical Inflation

An Illuminati Primer
The Religious Nature Of Politics - Astronomical Inflation

By Henry Makow

Politics has banished Religion from public discourse but Religion still offers the best description of political reality.

The essence of political struggle is actually spiritual, a cosmic battle between God (Good) and Satan (Evil) for the soul of man.

The struggle is between an international financial elite dedicated to Satan, led by the Illuminati, and the remnants of humanity that still uphold God's Plan. The unsuspecting masses hang in the balance, inhabiting a fool's paradise like children.

This struggle is not between nations or between ideologies of Left or Right. This occult elite creates and controls both sides of every conflict in order to obscure and at the same time advance its long-term agenda.

The elite plan is to remake the planet as its private neo feudal preserve. This involves the reduction of the world's population through plague, catastrophe or war; mind control/breeding of the survivors as serfs; and the enshrinement of Lucifer as god.

A cataclysm could happen within the next 10-20 years. We're living on borrowed time, duped by the media and distracted by sex while the elite tests and imposes various methods of manipulation and control.

Thousands of organizations like the UN promote the elite's "world government" agenda with practically no public scrutiny. More recently, the elite instigated the Sept. 11 attacks in order to justify their "War on Terror" the repressive "Patriot Act", and Iraq War. The flooding of New Orleans, vaccinations and the bird flu epidemic are other tests or possible harbingers.

Sophisticated and dedicated people roll their eyes when told about this conspiracy. They are hypnotized by their "education" and the mass media.

The "Illuminati" sounds fantastic but it is NOT a chimera. Hidden within Freemasonry, it is the Church of Satan. Its membership was known; its premises were raided. Plans and correspondence were seized and published. Defectors attested to the grave danger at formal inquiries. It was suppressed but went underground. It has since grown so powerful that it has literally defined the modern age (under the guise of "progress," "reform" and "revolution") and now threatens the future of humanity.


The term "Illuminati" means "enlightened ones" and refers to Lucifer, the "light bringer." Its essential philosophy is to substitute "reason" i.e. expedience for "right reason" i.e. universal morality.

"Do as thou wilt" was the Illuminati motto. The Illuminati will define reality, not God or nature. Illuminism or "humanism" is a secular religion and a period of transition to Satanism i.e. "tolerance." The decline of public decency makes this increasingly apparent.

Whether it's a plant, a dog or a child, each flourishes naturally given some healthy nutrition and a little guidance. They follow an inherent design. The Illuminati wishes to negate the inherent course of human development by promoting dysfunction under the guise of personal freedom and equality.

The Illuminati represents the traditional feudal power elite, the alliance of European aristocracy and Jewish moneylenders, united by money, marriage and the occult. In 1770, Mayer Rothschild hired the 22-year-old Adam Weishaupt, a university instructor (son of a rabbi raised as a Catholic) to attract the cream of European society to a secret cult designed to reverse the course of Western (i.e. Christian) civilization (hence the term "revolution.")

I am summarizing "Final Warning" an online book by David Allen Rivera and James Wardner's excellent book "Unholy Alliances" (pp.34-51) ntents.htm

The Illuminati was founded May 1, 1776. Weishaupt wrote: "The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment, let it never appear, in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it."

An understanding was reached with the Masons at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad on December 20, 1781 to add the Illuminati hierarchy to the first three degrees of Masonry. On returning home, Comte de Virieu, a Mason from the Martiniste lodge at Lyons, reported: "I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think. The conspiracy which is being woven is so well thought out that it will be impossible for the Monarchy and the Church to escape it."

Nesta Webster in her book World Revolution describes the modus operandi of the Illuminati. It applies to Adolph Hitler as well as Timothy Leary: "The art of Illuminism lay in enlisting dupes as well as adepts, and by encouraging the dreams of honest visionaries or the schemes of fanatics, by flattering the vanity of ambitious egotists, by working on unbalanced brains, or by playing on such passions as greed and power, to make men of totally divergent aims serve the secret purpose of the sect."