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Description of the Illuminati

A Healer's Description of the Illuminati

by Mendel

The movie, Devil's Advocate,
expounded the Illuminati's
Luciferian vision.

Yes, Satan is a real entity. Demons are organized and he is the leader. He is a spirit. I personally know 3 people that have had the same experience of being offered fame and fortune if they would go over to his side.

Many people are mistaken that Illuminati or Satanists are mediocre and seek an unfair advantage by betraying society. The Illuminati actively seek out and recruit the gifted, especially those with spiritual gifts.

Typically, they will approach the talented with offers of fame and fortune and promises of high rank within their organization.

Satan himself has been known to personally make his offer to certain individuals. He does not have horns or a pointy tail. He is handsome, incredibly intelligent and charming. Like Al Pacino in Devil's Advocate. Nevertheless he is the father of all lies.

Yes, Satan is a real entity. Demons are organized and he is the leader. He is a spirit. I personally know 3 people that have had the same experience of being offered fame and fortune if they would go over to his side. These 3 individuals are not acquainted.
Similarly, the New Testament records that Jesus had been approached by Satan and offered the kingdoms of the world, if he would bow and worship him. Jesus also alludes that they are organized with the statement "a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand".

This is a real experience, few ever speak of it.

Illuminati and Lucifer Rising

                                                                   by Philip Jones                                                                           5-13-9


(Diagram From `Be Wise As Serpents` Fritz Springmeier)

Revelation 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiter's of the earth and of the sea, for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

Introduction. As an amateur researcher and writer, with perhaps too much time on his hands, I (Philip Jones) am fortunate to be able to devote many hours a day reading books and online articles relating to what I will call in this essay the Luciferian Conspiracy. I make no pretensions that what follows is in any way original or even innovative. Most of it excepting my own personal observations can be found in much greater detail elsewhere, and for that purpose, I have included a full bibliography and reference section at article's end. What I have tried to do here is collect information gleaned from reading the work of such exceptional researchers as William J. Sutton, Fritz Springmeier, William F. Jasper, Henry Makow, David Livingstone and Texe Marrs, and create a condensed summary of evidence which will show that as it says in the Bible verse above, Lucifer is amongst us, and the mayhem and chaos we are now experiencing on an international scale in this the first decade of the 21st century, is due to the culmination of many millenia of plotting and planning by the eternal adversary as mentioned in the Holy Scriptures.

If only four years ago, someone had made a similar assertion to me as that above, I would have raised an eyebrow or two, and politely or not, dismissed the idea. But all of my research these past few years has led me to believe just that; That Lucifer is real, and is here on earth, in this dimension, and through those who descend directly from his line, and their puppets, he is causing havoc and chaos in an attempt to seat himself, or his proxy on the throne of a World State, and to inaugurate a New Religion with himself it's sole deity.

The Illuminati and Their Plans for a New World Order: ‘Conspiracy theory’ or ‘Conspiracy Fact’?

By David Noble -
The question of whether there is a secret group of elites working behind the scenes to bring in a single world currency and world government is one that has been well argued and debated. It is claimed that the goals of this secret group known as the Illuminati are as follows.
  • Abolition of all ordered governments
  • Abolition of private property
  • Abolition of inheritance
  • Abolition of patriotism
  • Abolition of the family
  • Abolition of religion
  • A global population of 500 million
  • Creation of a world government
For years those who have made these claims have found themselves ridiculed by the main stream media as nothing more than conspiracy theorists and fantasists. Yet none other than George Washington in 1798 acknowledged that Illuminati activity had come to the USA. He is quoted as saying:-

“It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am.”

In 1816 Thomas Jefferson gave us a warning which should have been heeded when he said:-

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

Unfortunately this warning was not heeded and we now find ourselves living the nightmare future that he had prophesised. It is now openly recognised that the world is now run by corporations and the banking industry and not by our elected governments. So is it not also true that the top men behind these corporations and private banks are indeed the real rulers of the world. This would then suggest that a small group of men do indeed control the world.