The official papal title Pontifex Maximus, meaning "the Bridge-Builder" on the floor in St. Peter's basilica in the Vatican. This title originates from Babylon. When Medo-Persia took over Babylon, they took over the religious rites and ceremonies of Babylon. Some of the Babylonian priests in Pergamum set up their religious system under the title Pontifex Maximus. The title, along with all the vestments and powers, were then passed on to pagan Roman emperors, and was eventually taken by the Bishop of Rome. Notice also the triple crown associated with the Babylonian system; the fleur-de-lis, which represents the union of male and female; the split tail, which represents the fish god Dagon; and the winged lion, which is the Bible's symbol for Babylon. Copyright Amazing Discoveries.
Note the three six pointed stars representing the 666.
All seeing eye [All seeing eye symbols]
Catholic triad
Gold pectoral cross worn by John XXIII with 'eye and triangle'.
St. John the Divine Cathedral Prophetic Pillars on St. John the Divine Cathedral?
Centre of Ghent, Belgium
Greek Orthodox monastery in Mount Athos, Greece
Catholic church in Poland
Stained Glass Window in The White House Chapel Washington
"One Nation Under God" Notice George Washington on bended knee before the Great Seal
Catholic church in Zamosciu, Poland
Masonic triangle and Horus eye in a Catholic church
Triangle and Horus eye in Vilnius
Triangle and Horus eye on Orthodox altar
all-seeing eye of Horus, in a Catholic church. Coming out of the sun.
Piazza del Popolo in Rome
painted on the ceiling of the Orthodox Cathedral of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Eye of Horus on lintel of The Church of Anunciation in Nazareth
Eye of Horus over altar in the Church of Anunciation in Nazareth
front door of the Manila Cathedral in Intramuros
evil eye of Osiris is found on this Roman Catholic pulpit in Paris, France.
Here we see the evil eye watching worshipers perched high above from the apex of the dome in the cathedral at Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
The Pagan eye of Osiris is found on this pendant that is used by a Roman Catholic youth group in the Philippines.
Baal/Shamash, Ishtar [BAAL Ishtar Maltese cross]
Symbol for Baal
Ishtar symbol
Symbol of Babylonian sun-god Shamash
artifact unearthed in the holy of holies of the pagan temple in the Canaanite city of Hazor / Hatzor, in northern Israel, that dates to 1400 years before the time of Christ. It is described as follows: "a basalt offering table, pillar-shaped, with a carved symbol of the storm god Baal on its side. That symbol was a circle with a cross in the center"
A decorative wheel found on the altar of a Roman Catholic church.
In hoc signo vinces Cap Badge of the Royal Army Chaplains' Department
Here is an old photo of the center of St. Peter's square, and note that around the obelisk, at the center of the huge eight-point sun wheel, is a smaller four-pointed sun wheel, the same symbol as found on the altar stone in the temple of Baal in Hatzor!
So in St. Peter's square, the symbol of Baal is within the symbol of Ishtar, and at the center is an Egyptian obelisk, all representing pagan sun worship.
Pope John Paul II celebrates Pentecost, June 3rd 2001
The Pope conducting Midnight Mass on the steps of St. Peter's Basilica on Christmas Eve of 2000.
The symbols of Baal and Shamash worn by a Catholic Bishop.
1. Symbol of the sun.
2. Compass (Freemasons use this symbol).
3. Cresent moon and star
4. Solar wheel
5. Three layered mitre
6. Cross of Horus (priest of Horus would wear this).
*place your pointer on picture
Note the lower hand of King Ashur-nasir-pal II in the above stele. On the wrist is the sunburst symbol. Below, the pagan sunburst is on the glove of Pope John XXIII.
Pope John XXIII, wearing the triple tiara. Source: Pagan Sun Worship—The Truth.
On the left is a medallion from the Vatican pavilion of the 1988 World Expo, which depicts what is called a Monstrance, used to display a consecrated host. It bears a remarkable similarity to the symbol of Baal / Shamash
Vatican 100 Lire gold coin. Note the symbol of Baal, found in Hazor, is behind the head of the figure supposed to be that of Christ.
At left are two examples of ciborium, in which are kept the Eucharistic wafer hosts of the Catholic Mass. The one on the left uses the Cross Pattée as a handle on top, and the other uses the four point cross within a circle, the ancient symbols of Shamash and Baal.
Icon of the Angel Gabriel in the Church of Virgin Mary in Cairo
Interior of the Coptic Church of Virgin Mary in the old city portion of Cairo
It is supposedly a statue of Peter enthroned. Notice the sun wheel above his head? This statue is thought by some to actually be a pagan statue of Jupiter, removed from the Pantheon in Rome (a pagan temple), moved into St. Peter's and renamed Peter. The extended right foot has been nearly worn away from the many pilgrims who kiss it in homage. Note also that the pattern on the wall behind the statue utilizes the symbol of Baal / Shamash!
Moon crescent All Roman Catholic monstrances have a crescent to hold the wafer-god of Babylon within it, thereby depicting an exact duplicate of Babylonian worship of the sun-god BAAL.
Moon crescent Pagan carving of the solar diety Baal-Hadad depicted as a disk in a crescent
Moon crescent From the stele of Ur-Nammu of Ur (2112-2095BC) The solar blaze is the sun-god, Shamash, placed within the crescent of the moon-goddess, Nanna.
Satanic hand gestures of Pagan Rome are found on thousands of statues as well as paintings all throughout the Vatican as well as countless cathedrals and Roman Catholic churches the world over
Bent cross [Bent Cross Crucifix]
The Bent Cross is a symbol of Satanism that Depicts a starving, pathetic suffering the Messiah.. A sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two. This was a bent or broken cross, on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of the Messiah, which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the Biblical term 'Mark of the Beast'. Yet, not only Paul VI, but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds, who had not the slightest idea that it stood for False Messiah." (p. 72)
Inverted cross [Cross, Inverted
Cross of Lorraine [Cross of Lorraine (2 bars)]
Richard Chartres, Bishop of London
Luciferian symbols Eastern Orthodox Church, also note the screw thingy in the middle of the hat.
Maltese Cross (this looks to be Baal symbol) [Maltese cross]
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Malta
Maltese cross Pope Benedict XVI, with Maltese cross emblems on his robe. The four-spoked Maltese cross within a circle is a key symbol of sun worship.
The Maltese Cross was worn by the priest of Horus in ancient times. Nowadays, the Pope takes the role.
Salem cross [Cross, Salem/Baphomet (3 bars)]
Statue of Pope St. Sylvester carrying the older Papal Cross.
Dove (descending) [Dove (descending)]
Satanism Luciferian church symbols O.T.O. crest (left) and The United Church of Canada crest (right)
Knights of Columbus
Fish hat [Fish head]
The fish head mitre comes from worshippers of 'Dagon' from around 300 A.D. His symbol was a hat shaped like a fish's mouth with a long piece of cloth that draped down over the back of the wearer, which was painted or embroidered to look like the body of a fish. At first, they even kept the spots on either side of the "fish head" which represented the fish's eyes. Horus, the Egyption god was known as “the Way,” and “the Fisher,”. You might think that the fishiness of the mitre wold have been supressed over time. Yet, these Roman Catholics images from the 18th century still make the fish head allusion very explicit. Why
Roman Catholic serpent crosier of the bishops as well as high church officials. Also notice upon every Bishop as well as every Pope you will find the fish head mitre of Babylon.
Upon every Bishop as well as every Pope you will find the fish head mitre of Babylon
Hexagram [Hexagram]
Horus [Horus]
In ancient times the representatives of Horus would be carried. As you can see to the left, they had fans which were made out of pecock feathers (hay that looks like a news station logo) the fan is made to look like an eye. This eye is the all seeing eye of Horus/Osiris. To the right, the Papacy has the same ritual.
In hoc signo vinces [In hoc signo vinces]
Cap Badge of the Royal Army Chaplains' Department
Jupiter [Jupiter]
The statue of "St. Peter" at the Vatican is actually the pagan god Jupiter.
Kohen Breastplate [Cohen Breastplate]
Pope Paul VI - wearing the Judaic "Kohen Breastplate," and the yarmulke. The Vatican is a front for the all-powerful Cult of Aton, who also fund the Illuminati and the Masonic Orders. The chief Jesuit is referred to as "The General" a term Akhenaton used for himself. The skull cap, that is also worn by Jewish rabbis, was originally worn by the sun priests of Egypt.
Masonic handshake [Handshake (Masonic)]
Obelisk [Obelisk]
OBELISK. Of the several functions of the PILLAR among early peoples, the Egyptian obelisk was worshipped as the dwelling place of the sun-god. Source: Illustrated Dictionary of Symbols in Eastern and Western Art by James Hall, published by HarperCollins, 1994, page 75.
The Egyptian obelisk that stands in the square of St. John Lateran (shown at left) is the largest in existence. Originally carved during the reign of Pharaoh Thutmoses III, it stood in the Temple of Amon in Thebes (Karnak), but was removed to Rome by emperor Constantius (A.D. 317-361), and placed in the Circus Maximus. In 1587 Pope Sixtus V unearthed the fallen, broken and long forgotten obelisk and had it repaired and placed in the Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano. Interestingly enough, it is possible that Moses saw this very obelisk when he was in Egypt. Now this obelisk, meant to honor the sun god, stands beside what Catholics call the supreme "Mother of all Churches", the official cathedra of the bishop of Rome, the Pope, which brings to mind Revelation 17: 5 and the apostate Mother Church, Mystery Babylon, the mother of harlots, who stands accused of fornication, a mixing of the sacred with the profane, truth with error.
Here you see a view of the piazza or plaza at the Vatican, also known as St. Peter's square. The papal palace is on the right edge of the photo. The large eight-rayed sun wheel design, symbolic of Ishtar, is immediately noticeable. Look closely in the center of the wheel. What you see there is an obelisk, a genuine Egyptian obelisk shipped from Heliopolis to Rome by the Roman emperor Caligula. The obelisk is, of course, a phallic symbol,* but it also was used in sun worship. Click on the image to view a larger version of the same image.
It is claimed that the word 'obelisk' literally means 'Baal's shaft' or 'Baal's organ of reproduction'. Source: Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, by Dr. Cathy Burns, pg. 341.
Here is a close-up of the obelisk in front of St. Peter's. Have you ever given any thought to the origin of the church steeple? Could it be a modern representation of the pagan obelisk? Indeed!
Oroboros [Oroboros Goathead ]
Vatican painting
One of the papal coins from 1582 to hallmark the reform of the Gregorian Calender.
Pentagrams [Pentagram/Pentagle]
Mormon [Mormon]
Mormon http://www
Church History Museum across west temple street in Salt Lake City. It was built in the mid 1980's.
Amiens Cathedral, north window, France
St. Mary's Church, Adderbury.
Pentagram Eye (symbol) Sun Triangle Snake
Woodwork and a lamp in the Church of Virgin Mary in Cairo - the Hanging Church.
Phoenix [Phoenix]
Double-headed eagle over the altars in a Spanish church. The Double-headed eagle is a symbol of Freemasonry.
Knights of Malta
Double headed Eagle, Phoenix Important German cathedral, rife with the pagan symbols found so often in secret societies.
Russian Orthodox Catholic Church Dragon
A depiction of the phoenix rising in a Catholic Cathedral in Germany.
Pine cone [Pine cone]
Notice the pine cone upon the Pope's staff
Pine Cone (Pineal Gland/3rd Eye) at Vatican courtyard aligned with Peacocks (Phoenix resonators).
PX sign [PX sign]
Important German cathedral, rife with the pagan symbols found so often in secret societies. The PX symbol is the staff of the god Osiris, and the point on the circle represents phallic organs. Albert G. Mackey, A Manual of the Lodge (New York: Charles E. Merrill Company, 1870): 56: “The point within the circle is an interesting and important symbol in Freemasonry...the symbol is really a beautiful but somewhat abstruse allusion to the old sun-worship, and introduces us for the first time to that modification of it, among the ancients as the worship of the phallus."
The monogram that looks like a combination of a P and an X is actually the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ - Chi (X) and Rho (P). The symbol was used by early Christians and is attributed to the Roman Emporer Contstantine, who used it as a military symbol. You will often see it on banners, called labarum, in ecclesiastical processions. The Chi Rho symbol is also the origin of using the abbreviation Xmas for Christmas
Important German cathedral, rife with the pagan symbols found so often in secret societies.
Saturn hat [Saturn]
Skull and crossbones [Skull and Bones (Death's Head)]
In this Catholic Church, the god Anubis, the Phoenix, and the skull and crossbones—which symbolizes Lucifer—are all part of the decor.
Baal/Shamash Russian Orthodox Catholic Church
Snake swallowing human [Snake swallowing human]
Greek Orthodox monastery in Mount Athos, Greece
Snakes & Dragons, [Snake Dragon
Winged dragon on large papal crest in Vatican museum. NOTE: Vatis = diviner. Can = serpent. Vatican = The Divining Serpent
A serpent door handle on St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco, California. View more images of pagan Catholic architecture.
Snake Crosiers [Croisier]
The Bishop of London’s crosier designed by Paolo Guidi, made by Nicholas Plumber, London 1992
Serpent crosiers were commonly carried by bishops and high Catholic officials during the Middle Ages.
Russian Orthodox bishops crosier XVI c.
Gold crozier from Carcassonne, 13th century (Musée de Cluny).
lion and serpent, Limoges, ca. 1200 (Louvre)
Snake Indian Orthodox
Russian Orthodox Catholic Church Phoenix Dragon
Sun [Sun, Sun Gods, Halo]
Brugge cathedral
Triple tiara [Triple tiara]
Pope John XXIII, wearing the triple tiara. Source: Pagan Sun Worship—The Truth.
The triple tiara of Krishna.
The triple tiara of an Assyrian cherubim at the British Museum. Notice the multi level crown on this Babylonian god from 1800 B.C
a Persian triple-horned headpiece depicted on gate A in the citadel of King Sargon II (721-705 B.C.), in Khorsabad (Iraq). The triple-horned headpiece indicated deity, and was worn by the pagan Sun gods Shamash and Ashur. This may well be the origin of the triple-tiered papal tiara as claimed by the Catholic Encyclopedia, cited above.
The depictions of the pagan kings on the ancient standing stones above, show a strip of cloth (lappet) hanging from the rear of the headgear. These lappets are also present on the papal mitre and tiara, shown at left, and partially visible in the photos of popes above.
Winged lion and bull
Bull, cow Called the symbol of St. Luke, the bull on the right is actually the symbol of the light-bear
Lion The so-called symbol of St. Mark, which is really the Babylonian winged lion facing the symbol of the sun god.
Winged lion on a Catholic baptistry.
The official papal title Pontifex Maximus, meaning "the Bridge-Builder" on the floor in St. Peter's basilica in the Vatican. This title originates from Babylon. When Medo-Persia took over Babylon, they took over the religious rites and ceremonies of Babylon. Some of the Babylonian priests in Pergamum set up their religious system under the title Pontifex Maximus. The title, along with all the vestments and powers, were then passed on to pagan Roman emperors, and was eventually taken by the Bishop of Rome. Notice also the triple crown associated with the Babylonian system; the fleur-de-lis, which represents the union of male and female; the split tail, which represents the fish god Dagon; and the winged lion, which is the Bible's symbol for Babylon. Copyright Amazing Discoveries.
X sign [X sign]
The United Church of Canada
Red Cross of Constantine
Knights of Columbus
Zucchettos [ Zucchettos, Yarmulk/kippah]
Pope Paul VI - wearing the Judaic "Cohen Breastplate," and the yarmulke. The Vatican is a front for the all-powerful Cult of Aton, who also fund the Illuminati and the Masonic Orders. The chief Jesuit is referred to as "The General" a term Akhenaton used for himself. The skull cap, that is also worn by Jewish rabbis, was originally worn by the sun priests of Egypt.
Catholic Church in New Orleans.
A Roman Catholic church in Scandinavia proudly displays the Face of the Babylonian sun-god upon their pulpit.
This is Poseidon. Notice the coptic shell as part of his head.
In St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican we see the pagan symbol for the Universe on a papal crest.
This coptic shell is found over the crypt of St Paul's Cathedral in London.
"Signaling the Trinity with raised fingers, a new Swiss Guard swears allegiance to the Pope during the annual May 6 commemoration of the 1527 sack of Rome." -National Geographic Dec 1985, p. 741 Vol 168, No.6
Here we see a Masonic pendant displaying the eye with a solar blaze about it in a triangle, surrounded by a snake with his tail in his mouth. This is symbolic of the cosmic force or 666 god, the ruler of the Zodiac.
Here the face is that of a child within the fertility symbol of the sun's rays on a Roman Catholic altar.
Prayer beads were commonly buried with the pharaohs of Egypt. Pagan cults of the East also used the prayer beads in their religious practices. To this day Moslems still use beaded prayer chains
Notice the beaded prayer circle of the pagan priest in this Ancient cylinder seal from Mesopotamia
The beaded prayer chain of the Roman Catholic Rosary
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